For most of the parameters the average user should not adjust anything but species number, transect number, and sample number.
The loglinear model creates a relatively realistic species assemblage.
The statistical modifications at the bottom are not optomized but increasing the number of bootstraps will slow the model and will likely cause your browser to time-out. I apologize for this but in future models I hope to improve the interface.
Choose the sampling type.
Choose the method of populating the world.
Choose the number of transects (ignore if random sampling)
Choose the number of samples (transects: the number of transects divided by the number of samples = samples per transect)
Choose the number of species
Choose the minimum number of sites (how rare can you be?):
How large of a patch for a species? ####################################################################################
During each bootstrap how many samples will be added? e.g. 10 would mean 10 then 20 then 30 then 40
How large is the world? Be careful 150 = 22500 cells, 1000 = 1000000 cells
Select the number of times to bootstrap each sampling.
Select the number of runs. For example 10 would start at a sample of 10 and end at a sample of 100 (each bootstrapped X times).

A word of caution, this may take anywhere from 5 seconds to several minutes to run depending on your selections. When the model is done a graph will be drawn on the screen.

Key: Black circle = observed species, blue circle = ICE, red circle = Chao2, red square = singletons, blue = doubletons, black bars = standard deviation