00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:06.700
Droege, Sam
And does everyone have the latest version? Did that get sent out or was only do I only I have the latest version.

00:00:06.790 --> 00:00:20.200
Maffei, Clare J
You have the latest version from like 20 minutes ago I I did post it in the team so it's replaced an old file in the teams files but I didn't email it out yet.

00:00:11.880 --> 00:00:12.140
Droege, Sam

00:00:18.130 --> 00:00:18.410
Droege, Sam

00:00:20.440 --> 00:00:20.770
Droege, Sam

00:00:21.740 --> 00:00:22.110
Droege, Sam

00:00:22.960 --> 00:00:32.020
Droege, Sam
So what Claire was talking about for everyone is, first of all, we're waiting for Mike to try and log in. We can see him. He was on for a second. Now he has disappeared.

00:00:33.600 --> 00:00:44.370
Droege, Sam
And but hopefully we'll be back in a second. So Mike has developed a new osmia mail guide. You saw a draft last time when I got cut off and and this time.

00:00:45.860 --> 00:00:59.690
Droege, Sam
It's an updated version. You can use the old version. I've looked at both, at least on the front pages. It's about the same, so we'll start with that and if we want to, I'm going to share.

00:01:00.440 --> 00:01:21.770
Droege, Sam
I guess you have no control of whether you want to or not. I'm going to share my screen here and open up Mike's key. We'll use that as a guide and we can use discover life features and things too. And you know the deal. You can look up things yourselves and use the tools that you have on hand. OK, so.

00:01:22.840 --> 00:01:30.250
Droege, Sam
Now let's go to Mikes Key and I'm gonna make this larger. Are we seeing it clear?

00:01:31.240 --> 00:01:38.370
Maffei, Clare J
We are seeing it if, yeah. If you can make it larger and click the button, the enable editing button.

00:01:39.250 --> 00:01:39.550
Droege, Sam

00:01:39.510 --> 00:01:40.870
Maffei, Clare J
That that looks good.

00:01:40.570 --> 00:02:10.520
Droege, Sam
All right. I think we're there. So before we are cut off last time we did talk about the special features that conjunction and sub fasciata have in terms of these very prominent angles and lobes angles and conjunctive and lobes and sub fasciata on that rear T6 rib. And then things went South and we had to stop the recording because our Internet.

00:02:10.600 --> 00:02:19.070
Droege, Sam
Provider decided to cut us off so the next stage here is this section here 4, where we're going to pull out.

00:02:19.690 --> 00:02:43.680
Droege, Sam
Umm, I wanna say it's osmia census Stricto. I can't remember though. It's a group of osmia that are in a subgenus. Someone can put into the chat if that is indeed really a census stricto situation. But these are large osmia's. They are the ones that are involved with whole nesting and commercial.

00:02:44.300 --> 00:02:44.940
Droege, Sam

00:02:46.360 --> 00:03:13.410
Droege, Sam
Yeah, the commercial trade in osmia species, primarily bucephala, which we'll mention here is usually usually not because it doesn't seem to occur in these or like the tubes that are placed out by people, but lignaria corner fronts and Torres definitely are. And in the males in particular, the corner fronts and torus are problematic.

00:03:14.030 --> 00:03:18.100
Droege, Sam
But Mike has a a a good character. Is that him on there now?

00:03:19.180 --> 00:03:19.760
Droege, Sam
Is my game.

00:03:20.740 --> 00:03:25.550
Droege, Sam
I'm hearing no. OK, now is you OK and.

00:03:20.960 --> 00:03:21.120
Maffei, Clare J

00:03:21.900 --> 00:03:23.030
Maffei, Clare J
Now, now somebody else.

00:03:27.420 --> 00:03:34.370
Droege, Sam
And then telling the lignaria from the corner, front and Torres I likes mikes technique more than the one that we put up in.

00:03:35.150 --> 00:04:03.490
Droege, Sam
Discover life so, and as most people know, corner fronts and tourists are of Asian derivation. Relatively recent additions to the eastern fauna and Bucephala and Lignaria are native to the region, so I'm going to flip now to show you the basic character of that brings all four of those species out from the remainder of the mails.

00:04:04.580 --> 00:04:08.600
Droege, Sam
Which is a let me do a full screen thing here.

00:04:11.080 --> 00:04:22.680
Droege, Sam
Which is a smooth rear tea 7. So in the other species what you'll see is a notch right here of some kind.

00:04:23.300 --> 00:04:41.320
Droege, Sam
Uh and I, I don't know what the function is, but there's always some kind it you never have this, what they would call an entire rim. There is always some kind of imagination or notch, like cut out there, sometimes quite distinctive. When you look at it so.

00:04:42.280 --> 00:04:55.730
Droege, Sam
Uh, so that brings him out. What we're looking at, though, in terms of the species is the very distinct and with all kinds of lovely characters that will go over now, osmia bucephala named after.

00:04:56.870 --> 00:05:00.760
Droege, Sam
Alexander, the Greats Horse, of course. Bucephalus.

00:05:01.600 --> 00:05:21.610
Droege, Sam
Which was a giant horse, apparently. OK, so in so we'll just approach now bucephala characteristics. So one character and this is one that is very useful for separating it from lignaria is this fact. Let's let's back up.

00:05:22.590 --> 00:05:53.320
Droege, Sam
Lignaria and Bucephala are separated from Taurus and corner fronts by the extensive amount of black here on T3 to T5. So you can see T seven. I think that's T7T7 here has a lot of white hairs, but this T3 to five area has mostly black hairs and both those bzees and in corner fronts and torus. What you're going to see is a mix of hairs, but it's going to.

00:05:53.500 --> 00:06:04.280
Droege, Sam
Include many, many quite, quite extensive amounts of pale and longer hairs in comparison now, so this is telling us ohh we're looking at.

00:06:05.260 --> 00:06:21.870
Droege, Sam
Ah, the that one subgroup that has the entire rim. We're looking at the two species native species that have extensive black on three to five. And now we want to separate bucephala with this species is from lignaria. Do we have mic pack?

00:06:22.990 --> 00:06:51.990
Droege, Sam
OK Umm anyway so one is if we look at the hind tibia, you can see the two hind tibial spurs, which usually in most be species are roughly the same, but every once in a while you get something different and useful and you can see here that I don't know what to call this one. One is short and one is about twice the length. Very distinctive lignaria is.

00:06:26.440 --> 00:06:27.100
Maffei, Clare J
Not yet.

00:06:52.980 --> 00:07:10.360
Droege, Sam
Which unfortunately don't have a specimen of, is approaching the same size here, but that's one distinct one, and I think that also separates it. We can look at that from corn to Franz and Taurus. If there was any question. So the character that I mostly look for.

00:07:11.710 --> 00:07:13.360
Droege, Sam
When I'm looking at bucephala.

00:07:14.400 --> 00:07:14.880
Droege, Sam

00:07:15.710 --> 00:07:25.930
Droege, Sam
And I don't really need any other character. It's usually abundantly clear, first of all, this species is the largest of the osmia, at least in the east.

00:07:27.650 --> 00:07:28.200
Droege, Sam

00:07:28.760 --> 00:07:38.220
Droege, Sam
Umm. What? We're maybe the other side will be slightly better. I can see this character which is going to be the expanded tarsal segments.

00:07:39.500 --> 00:07:41.570
Droege, Sam
On the middle leg.

00:07:43.400 --> 00:08:04.620
Droege, Sam
OK, here we go. So these are so relatively dramatic. I don't need to look at any of these other things. Usually I have a hint that ohh look at that big osmia that's going to be bucephala, but to just lock in because it's it could overlap with lignaria is if you look at these tarsal segments, let me zoom in here.

00:08:06.740 --> 00:08:08.160
Droege, Sam
Get onto screen.

00:08:11.470 --> 00:08:23.660
Droege, Sam
These tarsal segments are really unusual. Most tarsal segments for in most bees would basically be something close to a cylinder that follows the.

00:08:24.540 --> 00:08:26.630
Droege, Sam
The long line of the.

00:08:28.050 --> 00:08:57.480
Droege, Sam
The the, The, the tarsus and but in this case each of the tarsal segments has these huge projecting wings coming out there. That's I don't you think there's even any other species in other groups that have that that I can think of in North America. So that's super distinctive and that's the character that I'm using to confirm that I'm indeed have a male bucephala. So thank you osmia bucephala for.

00:08:57.990 --> 00:08:58.710
Droege, Sam

00:08:59.970 --> 00:09:20.420
Droege, Sam
But in giving that now Mike has mentioned, this is something I never look at because again, I've got this one character that is almost always available. But let's take a look at this S2 character. So S2 sternite number two, I believe that's what we are.

00:09:21.480 --> 00:09:39.360
Droege, Sam
Supposed to be looking at let me double check my going back to Mike's key. So here he says S2 media apically so towards the middle towards the rim. The small thickened process which appears like a small tuft of black hairs. OK so.

00:09:40.050 --> 00:09:41.700
Droege, Sam
Let's turn this.

00:09:43.560 --> 00:09:45.880
Droege, Sam
And we will, you know, I'm gonna.

00:09:47.170 --> 00:09:53.270
Droege, Sam
Bend it a little bit so that the pin is not covering that very area that we're interested in.

00:09:55.150 --> 00:09:56.110
Droege, Sam

00:09:59.470 --> 00:10:12.290
Droege, Sam
OK. Orientation. We're looking at the underside S1. There's the rim of S1. Here's S2. Here is this projecting area or zoom in a little bit.

00:10:13.020 --> 00:10:14.110
Droege, Sam
With black hairs.

00:10:15.090 --> 00:10:38.170
Droege, Sam
Very also distinct but largely unneeded because of the other characters that are just very available. So this this is raised up above the top of the area and you can see the remaining areas is available OK so.

00:10:44.030 --> 00:10:45.720
Droege, Sam
Osmia lignaria.

00:10:46.690 --> 00:11:00.430
Droege, Sam
To show you. But Bucephala is a walk in the park with an area would have that basically not what Bucephala has, but does have the entire rim puts it in that group.

00:11:01.110 --> 00:11:04.670
Droege, Sam
And does not have.

00:11:05.670 --> 00:11:10.660
Droege, Sam
The S2 configuration nor the long.

00:11:13.000 --> 00:11:13.840
Droege, Sam

00:11:15.260 --> 00:11:20.020
Droege, Sam
The expanded tarsal segments, nor the what was the other one?

00:11:21.100 --> 00:11:24.220
Droege, Sam
Whatever the other configuration was. So.

00:11:25.220 --> 00:11:30.010
Droege, Sam
At this point, if we go back to Mikes Key. Ohh the tibial spur thing.

00:11:30.170 --> 00:11:31.900
Droege, Sam
Umm and.

00:11:32.580 --> 00:11:52.040
Droege, Sam
Now if we go back, so that's takes care of this particular couplet. If you cephalo reasonably common see it very regularly on any pretty much any wooded area in the spring. So these two corner frauds and torus are our introduced species and they look almost exactly alike the general.

00:11:53.030 --> 00:12:18.630
Droege, Sam
The general notion is that corner front hair color, which is quite quite long on both species and similar in their lengths, is always off white, but the in Taurus it often is a burnt orange Senna type of coloration, but both Mike and I have come to the conclusion after looking millions of these things that.

00:12:19.920 --> 00:12:44.290
Droege, Sam
Whatever. If it's an old specimen in Taurus, or it's just variation a lot of time, that coloration is just not there. So I'm going to show you 2 characters. One is the one that Mike develop, which is a really great one, but requires and the Super obvious, but it requires that the genitalia be pulled or at least extended out far enough.

00:12:45.440 --> 00:12:50.800
Droege, Sam
Matt, you can see the tips of the genitalia. So.

00:12:51.460 --> 00:13:12.740
Droege, Sam
Going to show you and then I'll show you a character, which is what we use because we don't ever bother sadly. But we don't have time to pull genitalia when we're doing these sorts of things. I'm gonna show you a character. That's Mike is not does not list here. But what is how we identify them.

00:13:23.470 --> 00:13:25.620
Droege, Sam
And E bring.

00:13:26.580 --> 00:13:28.630
Droege, Sam
The microscope level down.

00:13:30.980 --> 00:13:34.750
Droege, Sam
And we are going to come over here.

00:13:35.860 --> 00:13:42.820
Droege, Sam
I'll show the genitalia 1st and we'll alternate between. I've gotta change the angle here a bit.

00:13:44.230 --> 00:13:44.970
Droege, Sam
The change.

00:13:45.510 --> 00:13:49.780
Droege, Sam
Umm, between corner fronts, which this is a specimen of.

00:13:50.740 --> 00:13:51.560
Droege, Sam

00:13:52.680 --> 00:13:53.250
Droege, Sam

00:13:54.270 --> 00:13:58.570
Droege, Sam
Because the genitalia are quite strikingly different.

00:13:59.880 --> 00:14:04.930
Droege, Sam
Terminology on genitalia is not my strong suit.

00:14:05.930 --> 00:14:07.460
Droege, Sam
Mike who?

00:14:08.730 --> 00:14:10.730
Droege, Sam
Do we know anything about Mike right now?

00:14:11.910 --> 00:14:14.280
Maffei, Clare J
No satus I could give him a call if.

00:14:12.240 --> 00:14:15.740
Droege, Sam
No, that I can give. Yeah, maybe.

00:14:14.940 --> 00:14:15.700
Maffei, Clare J
That just.

00:14:16.420 --> 00:14:16.710
Maffei, Clare J

00:14:16.580 --> 00:14:31.010
Droege, Sam
Yeah. And see if there's something that we can do. I mean, he was on. That's the. That's the odd thing. And we're talking about his great characters. So he has a lot of insight to share with us, but OK. OK. Thank you, Claire.

00:14:28.330 --> 00:14:29.500
Maffei, Clare J
OK, I'll give my call.

00:14:32.160 --> 00:14:34.830
Droege, Sam
OK, I think I want to bump up the.

00:14:35.880 --> 00:14:45.370
Droege, Sam
Lighting here for one second. So let's take this up to 70. I think that's better and click in there.

00:14:47.030 --> 00:14:55.680
Droege, Sam
All right, we're back. Alright, so here's the genitalia. This just happened to be extruded on the specimen that I had.

00:14:56.510 --> 00:15:05.230
Droege, Sam
And So what we're looking at is these this thing and again, let's see what my calls this.

00:15:05.950 --> 00:15:15.480
Droege, Sam
OK, so just do it right. The tip of the guano forceps. OK, so these this would be the guano forceps. Or at least that's the tip of it.

00:15:16.540 --> 00:15:22.270
Droege, Sam
And it may be referring to the whole structure. Darned. Do we need my hair to explain this?

00:15:23.490 --> 00:15:26.910
Droege, Sam
And the base swollen. OK so.

00:15:28.160 --> 00:15:58.550
Droege, Sam
The So what we're looking at is this area from the tip to this area. So if you look, you'll see that there's the other one peeking out that they are pointing towards each other to the interior and that this area right here and I'll try and angle it a little bit, but you can, I'm just changing the focus on is quite swollen. In other words, it's not anything close to a cylinder all the way down to.

00:15:58.630 --> 00:16:01.580
Droege, Sam
The base, so pretty obviously swollen.

00:16:04.360 --> 00:16:10.800
Droege, Sam
If only gonna just change the angle is slightly. Only these things were more.

00:16:11.770 --> 00:16:14.280
Droege, Sam
Easy to pop out on specimens.

00:16:15.280 --> 00:16:18.570
Droege, Sam
And also you're stuck sometimes if you're doing identifications for other people.

00:16:21.480 --> 00:16:24.530
Droege, Sam
Because they will not have.

00:16:26.460 --> 00:16:27.160
Droege, Sam
Shown them.

00:16:28.100 --> 00:16:28.940
Droege, Sam
Pull them out either.

00:16:29.830 --> 00:16:41.740
Droege, Sam
All right. I'm not gonna zoom in. You can see just from this distance pointing in. There's the other one over on that side. And this base area is swollen, so I'm going to flip now.

00:16:42.470 --> 00:16:43.370
Droege, Sam

00:16:44.740 --> 00:16:49.090
Droege, Sam
A tourist specimen which I've pre selected as having.

00:16:50.200 --> 00:16:51.260
Droege, Sam
Its genitalia.

00:16:52.100 --> 00:16:54.830
Droege, Sam
Exposed and we will.

00:16:55.920 --> 00:16:59.430
Droege, Sam
Take a look at it. See if I can get the.

00:17:00.650 --> 00:17:03.780
Droege, Sam
Ingles correct here. Take it down a notch.

00:17:08.460 --> 00:17:09.260
Droege, Sam
If you have the time.

00:17:10.040 --> 00:17:13.890
Droege, Sam
Definitely worth in some of these groups like Andrina.

00:17:15.420 --> 00:17:18.050
Droege, Sam
To pull genitalia and maybe Kylie.

00:17:24.360 --> 00:17:24.790
Droege, Sam

00:17:26.480 --> 00:17:27.890
Droege, Sam
He did his time consuming.

00:17:28.950 --> 00:17:31.010
Droege, Sam
Try and get this closer.

00:17:32.890 --> 00:17:33.660
Droege, Sam

00:17:34.330 --> 00:17:36.660
Droege, Sam
Here we go. Quite different.

00:17:38.930 --> 00:18:09.180
Droege, Sam
I think there's probably more characters to the genitalia that are different too, but if we take a look here, what we have is basically a a relatively smooth, symitar shaped segment. This is not swollen, at least not remarkably swollen. You know, it does thicken down here. You can see that it has the hairs like as the other one done, but it does not have the remarkable lobe coming off in this species, which is torus.

00:18:10.280 --> 00:18:11.050
Droege, Sam

00:18:11.930 --> 00:18:13.000
Droege, Sam
You can see.

00:18:14.400 --> 00:18:16.880
Droege, Sam
The rim the complete rim.

00:18:19.410 --> 00:18:28.660
Droege, Sam
On this site without a notch through here, so the notch would be normally be here in other groups, but this one does not have it. OK so.

00:18:29.370 --> 00:18:30.810
Droege, Sam
That sounds.

00:18:29.800 --> 00:18:35.570
Maffei, Clare J
Hey, Sam, there was a question in the chat is corner France the one that has burnt orange Sienna color?

00:18:32.700 --> 00:18:32.940
Droege, Sam

00:18:35.880 --> 00:18:38.260
Droege, Sam
No, it's the other one, it's Taurus.

00:18:39.580 --> 00:18:48.860
Droege, Sam
So let's take a look. We've got Taurus on deck, let's see and Gentelia tells us that story. Let's see if it's hers. Look, that burnt orange.

00:18:52.370 --> 00:19:01.340
Droege, Sam
And then we're going to go in and look at Clipsal characters that Karen Goodall did found.

00:19:02.330 --> 00:19:06.970
Droege, Sam
When I was complaining about how difficult it was to tell them apart without genitalia.

00:19:07.860 --> 00:19:37.370
Droege, Sam
And she looked through her things over and over. So first of all, they have long hair, and this often happens, right? They're matted down now when things get matted down, the color starts shifting around. So I could say, ohh look, here's some burnt orange looking things in here. But it's so dirty and matted that you know, what's my confidence level on that? It's hard to hard to really say I'm gonna.

00:19:38.020 --> 00:19:46.600
Droege, Sam
Flip this over next. You know what? I'm not because I'm we're gonna zoom in here in a second. I was gonna change the lighting, but now.

00:19:47.830 --> 00:19:48.980
Droege, Sam
What Karen found.

00:19:50.100 --> 00:19:51.610
Droege, Sam
Is Umm.

00:19:52.860 --> 00:19:54.120
Droege, Sam
The character.

00:19:55.930 --> 00:19:58.830
Droege, Sam
That has to do with the clipeus.

00:19:59.950 --> 00:20:06.630
Droege, Sam
RIM and the pitting along that rim, and it requires looking under.

00:20:09.740 --> 00:20:12.370
Droege, Sam
Karen does nothing else in her entire career.

00:20:13.610 --> 00:20:14.580
Droege, Sam
This will.

00:20:16.290 --> 00:20:17.200
Droege, Sam
Be the pinnacle.

00:20:18.410 --> 00:20:22.230
Droege, Sam
He is finding this character for what is now a superabundant.

00:20:22.810 --> 00:20:24.800
Droege, Sam
Umm Group of species.

00:20:26.090 --> 00:20:26.840
Droege, Sam

00:20:27.420 --> 00:20:30.910
Droege, Sam
Umm, we gotta change the angle again. I think on this.

00:20:32.280 --> 00:20:36.900
Droege, Sam
And this is one of the the tricky parts, right? Because in order to see this character.

00:20:46.000 --> 00:20:46.730
Droege, Sam
On the beach.

00:20:48.710 --> 00:21:05.520
Droege, Sam
Alright, somewhere as a specimen. Now let's see if we can see this little bit, so I may have to change this several times. So normally when trying to inspect this I am going. So here let's just to Orient. Here is the rim of the clipeus.

00:21:07.350 --> 00:21:07.900
Droege, Sam

00:21:08.840 --> 00:21:23.190
Droege, Sam
You can see the hairs, you can see that there's pitting and it most of the clippies even through the hair, as you can see that I'm gonna really zoom up now and but what we're going to look for.

00:21:24.300 --> 00:21:24.930
Droege, Sam

00:21:25.680 --> 00:21:31.380
Droege, Sam
Once I have messed up the two specimens that that might have a double check fee. Hang up for one second. Let me just.

00:21:32.030 --> 00:21:33.530
Droege, Sam
Make sure I'm looking at a Taurus.

00:21:34.620 --> 00:21:37.870
Droege, Sam
To begin with, add both specimens on the scene block.

00:21:40.970 --> 00:21:58.160
Droege, Sam
And indeed, I have flipped to corner fries because I saw a pecan. Those that doesn't look like Taurus. So we are now looking at the I'm going back down. We're looking at corner front specimen. So we're looking in the same place for both but.

00:22:02.990 --> 00:22:06.410
Droege, Sam
The characters are is a bit different so.

00:22:08.360 --> 00:22:09.670
Droege, Sam

00:22:10.920 --> 00:22:12.510
Droege, Sam
There's a little tiny.

00:22:13.390 --> 00:22:28.840
Droege, Sam
Little tiny triangle. This is a this is there definitely in the female. Sometimes it's in the males. I don't find it trustworthy enough, but that could be an indicator that you're dealing with corner fronts, cause the females have that. So back to the.

00:22:29.770 --> 00:22:34.210
Droege, Sam
The character at hand, so this area is underneath the hairs.

00:22:35.210 --> 00:22:41.240
Droege, Sam
This we're at highest power I can get is heavily pitted, but the rim.

00:22:42.020 --> 00:23:13.110
Droege, Sam
Has a quite broad area and we'll try a couple different angles cause it's important to look at this have quite broad area that has no pitting and both corner fronts and tourists have a similar aspect to that width wise. And just what it looks like they're in the middle, but we're gonna go to the lateral sides and in corner frons this distance again, I promise that we're going to change some angles here. This distance of bare open unpitted area remains uniform all the way to the edge.

00:23:13.540 --> 00:23:25.730
Droege, Sam
Whereas in tourists you're going to see a a peninsula of pitting come almost or to the rim there. And then bear off on the sides. So.

00:23:26.060 --> 00:23:36.090
Droege, Sam
Umm. And that's it. That's all you got? If you're other than genitalia in terms of telling these two apart, so let's see if I can change the angle on this.

00:23:36.910 --> 00:23:37.830
Droege, Sam
So that.

00:23:39.370 --> 00:23:41.020
Droege, Sam
And not break the other specimen.

00:23:41.760 --> 00:23:43.530
Droege, Sam
So that you can see this so.

00:23:44.840 --> 00:23:48.680
Droege, Sam
Functionally, what you're gonna be doing is.

00:23:50.210 --> 00:24:06.870
Droege, Sam
You're going to take your specimen and have to manipulate it again, pointing out once again the revealed to be adept at doing this by hand and get the angle just right so that, oh, this is good.

00:24:07.930 --> 00:24:26.930
Droege, Sam
So that you can look under these hair. So these hairs, these long hairs on the clip is only in the pitted area, right? Are are reaching over the rim most of the time. So if you look straight down, you can't see the rim. You'll have to look essentially at some angle.

00:24:27.570 --> 00:24:45.440
Droege, Sam
Underneath and what you're looking for is that this unpitted area here is pretty much uniform across the rim, particularly in this area. You can see maybe this little sneaky thing that's bumped out, but in Taurus it's gonna go all the way like that with pits up onto the rim. So.

00:24:46.120 --> 00:24:48.740
Droege, Sam
There's corner Frans, Nice and uniform.

00:24:49.470 --> 00:24:52.140
Droege, Sam
And let's switch now.

00:24:53.020 --> 00:24:53.830
Droege, Sam

00:24:54.870 --> 00:24:59.180
Droege, Sam
And actually remove the corner fun. So don't get confused.

00:25:03.010 --> 00:25:03.980
Droege, Sam
No word from Mike.

00:25:07.370 --> 00:25:16.970
Maffei, Clare J
No, I talked to him. I sent him a series of screenshots of something he could try. He's logged in and out a couple times. I have a feeling that.

00:25:18.130 --> 00:25:18.780
Maffei, Clare J
We are.

00:25:19.700 --> 00:25:20.670
Maffei, Clare J
For flying solo.

00:25:21.500 --> 00:25:25.420
Droege, Sam
OK. Did you try restarting his computer? Maybe not today.

00:25:24.990 --> 00:25:27.800
Maffei, Clare J
Maybe that's what he's doing, not sure.

00:25:26.660 --> 00:25:26.950
Droege, Sam
You know.

00:25:28.200 --> 00:25:28.980
Droege, Sam
Can you hear us?

00:25:30.950 --> 00:25:33.820
Maffei, Clare J
He said he couldn't get his like Mike and stuff to go.

00:25:36.200 --> 00:25:36.560
Droege, Sam

00:25:36.260 --> 00:25:40.250
Maffei, Clare J
So he couldn't speak or have, so it wasn't sending out signal.

00:25:42.260 --> 00:25:45.110
Droege, Sam
Wait a minute. Is this the same specimen again?

00:25:47.240 --> 00:25:50.720
Droege, Sam
So we're looking at corner fronts last time we should be looking at Taurus this time.

00:25:52.170 --> 00:25:53.250
Droege, Sam
Just want to make sure.

00:25:55.520 --> 00:25:57.070
Droege, Sam
That wouldn't have the genitalia.

00:25:59.670 --> 00:26:04.600
Droege, Sam
Should never have two at once. Yeah, sure enough, I left the.

00:26:05.520 --> 00:26:09.380
Droege, Sam
We're friends, one on the plate.

00:26:10.650 --> 00:26:11.320
Droege, Sam

00:26:13.870 --> 00:26:14.590
Droege, Sam
Get this is.

00:26:15.640 --> 00:26:17.030
Droege, Sam
Getting confusing.

00:26:18.650 --> 00:26:21.760
Droege, Sam
And left the Taurus took the Taurus one away so.

00:26:23.010 --> 00:26:25.530
Droege, Sam
Switching this out properly now.

00:26:27.270 --> 00:26:36.480
Droege, Sam
And putting it into its right box, the corner fronts box and now I have a Taurus. I'm checking one more time.

00:26:37.450 --> 00:26:38.160
Droege, Sam

00:26:40.000 --> 00:26:44.850
Droege, Sam
And we are good actually is Taurus. Now let's see if we can see.

00:26:46.220 --> 00:26:48.670
Droege, Sam
The difference in the.

00:26:50.580 --> 00:26:55.840
Droege, Sam
Clipeus, because functionally, most of us will have to use this clip. You'll character and that's it.

00:26:58.130 --> 00:26:58.760
Droege, Sam

00:27:00.460 --> 00:27:01.970
Droege, Sam
Our friends.

00:27:03.490 --> 00:27:03.820
Droege, Sam

00:27:06.180 --> 00:27:07.140
Droege, Sam
That engle.

00:27:08.570 --> 00:27:09.590
Droege, Sam
Maybe two steak.

00:27:11.460 --> 00:27:12.030
Droege, Sam
Let's see them.

00:27:16.820 --> 00:27:24.000
Droege, Sam
Yeah, we're looking at the mandibles. So you wanna look at the rim, the clippies, so bring it to its side a bit more.

00:27:25.920 --> 00:27:27.680
Droege, Sam
And again, we're looking at.

00:27:28.690 --> 00:27:29.440
Droege, Sam

00:27:30.480 --> 00:27:33.330
Droege, Sam
Lateral sides of the far sides of the.

00:27:34.810 --> 00:27:35.560
Droege, Sam

00:27:40.080 --> 00:27:41.130
Droege, Sam
The clipeus.

00:27:42.150 --> 00:27:42.740
Droege, Sam

00:27:47.910 --> 00:27:49.280
Droege, Sam
I have.

00:27:50.420 --> 00:27:54.640
Droege, Sam
Not fundamentally changed anything. There is still looking at the.

00:27:57.460 --> 00:27:58.190
Droege, Sam
Twist it.

00:27:59.730 --> 00:28:00.500
Droege, Sam
Looking at.

00:28:02.600 --> 00:28:03.920
Droege, Sam
Right. We're getting better here.

00:28:04.900 --> 00:28:09.960
Maffei, Clare J
Hey, Mike, we see you in the meeting. Can you hear us on mute?

00:28:10.800 --> 00:28:11.800
Maffei, Clare J
Are we functioning?

00:28:12.620 --> 00:28:13.730
Droege, Sam
But in a chat thing.

00:28:25.860 --> 00:28:46.600
Droege, Sam
Right. I'm going to change the angle again on this too, but here's the rim of the clippies you don't have a little bump, but again, I'm not. That's not a solid character. You can see the pitting on the surface of the Clippy is here, and you can see in the center what amounts to be a very similar sized.

00:28:48.100 --> 00:28:58.240
Droege, Sam
Span that is unpitted and then when you get to the lateral sides you can see this pitting goes way out and reaches or nearly reaches the rim.

00:28:58.950 --> 00:29:00.850
Droege, Sam
Of the clippies we're gonna.

00:29:02.360 --> 00:29:04.380
Droege, Sam
Add more light to this.

00:29:05.120 --> 00:29:07.370
Droege, Sam
To make sure we all get to see that.

00:29:11.290 --> 00:29:14.300
Droege, Sam
It's look it up to maybe I'll bump it up even more.

00:29:16.610 --> 00:29:16.970
Droege, Sam

00:29:17.870 --> 00:29:18.490
Droege, Sam

00:29:22.620 --> 00:29:25.090
Droege, Sam
Going in there, so I'm going to change the angle.

00:29:26.630 --> 00:29:28.840
Droege, Sam
So we can take a look at this because this is.

00:29:29.820 --> 00:29:31.230
Droege, Sam
He tricky.

00:29:34.020 --> 00:29:35.630
Droege, Sam
Place to see.

00:29:53.900 --> 00:29:56.410
Droege, Sam
OK, this hair is in the way.

00:29:57.420 --> 00:30:00.310
Droege, Sam
But I think you see the point here.

00:30:01.630 --> 00:30:31.960
Droege, Sam
Maybe we'll look from the other side too, so here's the very edge of this is the clip Pius running here. This is the typical or the the place we would call the rim. And here is the pitting of the main portion of the clipeus. And here is an unpitted section, hidden largely by hairs. Perhaps we'll shift this around. I can't really see anymore. But look over here. So here, now you can see this peninsula of pitting that has come.

00:30:32.020 --> 00:30:44.840
Droege, Sam
Up and out, whereas in corner Frans it would be part of a completely unpitted band all the way to that edge. There I'm gonna try one more angle on this.

00:30:46.220 --> 00:30:48.590
Droege, Sam
Let me go look at it under my other microscope.

00:30:50.540 --> 00:30:52.400
Droege, Sam
To see if I can get.

00:30:54.550 --> 00:30:57.880
Droege, Sam
Different groups just got some bunch of hair problems here.

00:31:14.460 --> 00:31:15.240
Droege, Sam

00:31:18.240 --> 00:31:20.930
Droege, Sam
Let me I'm gonna try have other specimens.

00:31:24.960 --> 00:31:29.100
Droege, Sam
And see if I can find this another specimen with a.

00:31:30.260 --> 00:31:32.590
Droege, Sam
More clear rim to it.

00:31:40.400 --> 00:31:41.850
Droege, Sam
This might be a good one, OK.

00:31:43.590 --> 00:31:51.570
Droege, Sam
So bring it in here. This also is a fluffier specimen. You can see it has a it's going, you're going to see it has quite a bit of orange on it.

00:31:54.040 --> 00:31:54.910
Droege, Sam

00:31:56.120 --> 00:31:59.170
Droege, Sam
See, you already even unfocused it's longer.

00:32:00.540 --> 00:32:04.650
Droege, Sam
Should be a classic, and now we're going to take a look at the rim so.

00:32:06.310 --> 00:32:29.240
Droege, Sam
Like a lot of these things, you have to peer under the hair, so it's not the best angle, but this is pretty good. So here's the hairs on the clipeus and the hairs in general. I'm gonna generalize to say that if you have hair on be specimens, most of the time, perhaps always, I'm not even sure they come out of some kind of pit so.

00:32:30.580 --> 00:32:59.490
Droege, Sam
This also reflects the hair pattern, but it's it's really the pitting that we're going to be looking at. So here in this torus we have this unpitted central area and you can see it's not a uniform like in corner front. It's not a uniform band of Unpitted Ness. But you have these pits come up to the rim and then move away a little bit at the far sides. But this is a really, you know, a much clearer example than the other one.

00:32:59.830 --> 00:33:01.780
Droege, Sam
Of that peninsula. So.

00:33:02.590 --> 00:33:11.370
Droege, Sam
My will stop there and say I'm gonna put a habit of shot on this so you can see, this one's quite orange, but many, many others. And Mike.

00:33:12.230 --> 00:33:14.050
Droege, Sam
You know, when we were talking beforehand.

00:33:15.090 --> 00:33:18.750
Droege, Sam
Also feels like that is not sufficient.

00:33:20.210 --> 00:33:21.280
Droege, Sam
To enter.

00:33:20.360 --> 00:33:22.060
Maffei, Clare J
Point of clarification.

00:33:22.570 --> 00:33:22.840
Droege, Sam

00:33:22.900 --> 00:33:28.310
Maffei, Clare J
No pets, no hairs. Does that also mean no hairs, no pits?

00:33:29.360 --> 00:33:32.410
Maffei, Clare J
Or there are other textures?

00:33:31.050 --> 00:33:56.280
Droege, Sam
No, that's not. That's definitely not the case. So think of high ileus. So Hyleas is highly pitted, but few few hairs. Now I guess I should qualify that maybe there are minute hairs, but since I'm photoshopping tons and tons of specimens for our photographs, I am going to say that there are many cases where there are.

00:33:57.170 --> 00:33:59.620
Droege, Sam
New hairs, but there are pits, but.

00:34:00.540 --> 00:34:09.010
Droege, Sam
My question is if there are hairs, are there always pits? I'm gonna bring the color back down.

00:34:11.390 --> 00:34:12.020
Droege, Sam
And the lighting.

00:34:13.730 --> 00:34:19.320
Droege, Sam
To how about there you can see there's again. I'll take it down a little bit more.

00:34:20.850 --> 00:34:23.810
Droege, Sam
A sort of oranges aspect, but it's.

00:34:24.520 --> 00:34:34.240
Droege, Sam
The vibe would be ohh that's Taurus, but it's not definitive enough. So anyway you have two really good characters, neither of which are.

00:34:35.300 --> 00:34:36.690
Droege, Sam
Super convenient.

00:34:37.640 --> 00:34:39.270
Droege, Sam
But that's why we're spending time.

00:34:39.920 --> 00:34:42.460
Droege, Sam
With these videos to talk about these things.

00:34:44.030 --> 00:34:48.290
Droege, Sam
So let's go back now. So we're finished with the Group of.

00:34:49.150 --> 00:34:51.220
Droege, Sam
Species. Any word from Mike?

00:34:52.420 --> 00:34:52.770
Droege, Sam

00:34:53.760 --> 00:34:54.020
Maffei, Clare J

00:34:54.600 --> 00:34:55.010
Droege, Sam

00:34:57.470 --> 00:35:01.700
Droege, Sam
We're finished at the Group of Species that has a complete rim without any.

00:35:02.870 --> 00:35:03.260
Droege, Sam

00:35:04.640 --> 00:35:19.910
Droege, Sam
Any notch, I'm gonna show you the so his next character here is the integument color. So this can be a little tricky, but he's talking about all dark versus largely blue, green or.

00:35:20.850 --> 00:35:27.210
Droege, Sam
And it can't be very bright in one species, but mostly you're talking about a dark blue metallic.

00:35:28.370 --> 00:35:29.220
Droege, Sam

00:35:31.550 --> 00:35:55.460
Droege, Sam
Uh to some aspects of, but it can be really dark, so sometimes you can begin to second guess whether you're looking at a black specimen or not, but the black specimens, as you'll see from this, what I identified as inermis a long time ago, and I was hoping that we would confirm that with Mike here is I'm going to show the top, I guess first.

00:35:56.730 --> 00:36:00.680
Droege, Sam
And we will do the full screen thing is black.

00:36:01.400 --> 00:36:02.070
Droege, Sam

00:36:02.710 --> 00:36:15.580
Droege, Sam
Umm, you don't have any of this, although that does look a little bit blue, doesn't it in that light. So hmm, maybe it isn't what I thought it was. Anyway, This is why.

00:36:14.570 --> 00:36:16.040
Maffei, Clare J
And you think it is?

00:36:16.970 --> 00:36:35.340
Droege, Sam
It should be. It should be inner miss which is should be all black and when I'm not looking at it under that particular rim light at the end of my other scope it's it appears to be all black. So this would be something that we would want Mike to be involved in.

00:36:16.980 --> 00:36:17.640
Maffei, Clare J

00:36:19.270 --> 00:36:19.560
Maffei, Clare J

00:36:37.020 --> 00:36:37.770
Droege, Sam

00:36:39.670 --> 00:36:40.960
Droege, Sam
I'm going to show.

00:36:41.800 --> 00:36:42.810
Droege, Sam
The notch.

00:36:43.640 --> 00:36:44.890
Droege, Sam
And T7.

00:36:46.060 --> 00:36:48.290
Droege, Sam
Which is separating it.

00:36:49.120 --> 00:36:56.250
Droege, Sam
From those four that we were just looking at and it's not a big notch, so and there's two things, T 7 and then.

00:36:59.330 --> 00:37:00.530
Droege, Sam
The area.

00:37:01.340 --> 00:37:01.630
Droege, Sam

00:37:02.380 --> 00:37:03.610
Droege, Sam
Behind it.

00:37:04.480 --> 00:37:05.920
Droege, Sam
Also has a notch.

00:37:06.760 --> 00:37:13.070
Droege, Sam
Which at this point I can't recall if that's that secondary notch is coming from.

00:37:14.240 --> 00:37:14.820
Droege, Sam

00:37:17.400 --> 00:37:22.840
Droege, Sam
Is the is coming from T7 or is coming from?

00:37:23.660 --> 00:37:24.070
Droege, Sam

00:37:25.950 --> 00:37:26.520
Droege, Sam

00:37:27.540 --> 00:37:28.220
Droege, Sam

00:37:29.180 --> 00:37:29.870
Droege, Sam

00:37:31.450 --> 00:37:44.370
Droege, Sam
Or do I have that confused? OK, so here is this huge notch thing here. And here is the rim with a relatively small and margination on it, and we'll see this over and over again.

00:37:45.170 --> 00:37:48.780
Droege, Sam
But that's helping separate out this group from.

00:37:49.530 --> 00:37:51.370
Droege, Sam
The other species.

00:37:56.170 --> 00:37:57.260
Droege, Sam

00:37:57.990 --> 00:37:59.750
Droege, Sam
Let's go to.

00:38:01.070 --> 00:38:19.430
Droege, Sam
Mike's key again, and we're skipping over now all the dark ones because I have no other dark ones other than that one, and I feel less than 100% confident that I have separated out from this clade which keeps in the past as changed several times. So we come to.

00:38:20.410 --> 00:38:33.240
Droege, Sam
A character here which basically says that if you have a osmia species that in the east that is the color of an algo, chlorella algo chlora chlorosis.

00:38:34.540 --> 00:38:41.000
Droege, Sam
Species, in other words, bright, super bright green, brilliant green race, car green, whatever you wanna call it.

00:38:42.060 --> 00:38:48.030
Droege, Sam
It is this species illinoinensis barian common in oddly.

00:38:48.640 --> 00:38:48.830
Christine Cairns Fortuin

00:38:48.970 --> 00:39:19.160
Droege, Sam
Be there is the recent record from Virginia, from the state heritage people. Thank you very much for sharing that with us of I believe it was two specimens from a power line cut in the mountains. The nearest other record I wanna say was Illinois. Possibly there's some old records we'd have to look from Indiana and here as we've seen a number of different kinds is this huge range jump which in most cases means that.

00:39:19.240 --> 00:39:27.180
Droege, Sam
We are missing populations between those two areas because we're not looking hard enough or we are not looking in the right areas.

00:39:28.240 --> 00:39:31.500
Droege, Sam
To find these species, or we simply just not sampling, there's.

00:39:32.720 --> 00:39:42.640
Droege, Sam
There are literally trillions of bees out there at any in any year, and we're just sampling handfuls handfuls of handfuls.

00:39:43.510 --> 00:40:08.140
Droege, Sam
So anyway, bright shiny green illinoinensis great species seems to be in decline, and Mike has seen many fewer over the years in the region, particularly compared to historical ones too. So it does for some reasons appear to be declining, so the remaining species, now that we have to deal with is the giant clade of things that are.

00:40:14.150 --> 00:40:27.740
Droege, Sam
Uh. Overtones. And sometimes it's a blue or a green. So for example, osmia pumla very common species. It's mostly showing it's in the mails a.

00:40:28.550 --> 00:40:32.180
Droege, Sam
Reflection. That is a I would call it a green blue.

00:40:33.110 --> 00:40:58.900
Droege, Sam
Reflection and and others are straight, straightforward dark blue. So anyway, in the green blue, but dull, not very brilliant or bright colored. So here is another. I'm just reading Mike's things as we go along here too. So we have T3 to five. Here is all are mostly dark and black and T versus T3 to four hairs are pale white.

00:40:59.660 --> 00:41:01.140
Droege, Sam
And when we?

00:41:02.310 --> 00:41:03.480
Droege, Sam
Look at that.

00:41:04.210 --> 00:41:16.750
Droege, Sam
We see. So sadly I don't have any of these specimens. They are really boreal or very far to the north. So I can't talk about that, but it seems relatively straightforward that we're looking at.

00:41:18.100 --> 00:41:20.760
Droege, Sam
The here color on the abdomen.

00:41:22.910 --> 00:41:52.660
Droege, Sam
On the top, so skipping over now to things that are more regionally appropriate, we're looking at the tarsal segments on two and three modified compressed pairing different from the four tarsi and mid tarsal segments two and three, similar to four Tarzan not modified. OK. So I have, I believe I do have felty, but I'm going to say I only have one specimen and it is a female.

00:41:53.380 --> 00:41:59.170
Droege, Sam
So we're not going to address that one. And that's true, I only have.

00:42:00.830 --> 00:42:06.720
Droege, Sam
I've seen the mails but not that, so we can't really address the.

00:42:07.600 --> 00:42:12.850
Droege, Sam
Uh, that species group there and the characters simillima.

00:42:14.070 --> 00:42:17.640
Droege, Sam
So this is one I think I have.

00:42:19.030 --> 00:42:19.340
Droege, Sam

00:42:20.090 --> 00:42:27.160
Droege, Sam
And I don't I, sorry, I gave away a whole lot of my specimens a while ago, and so I'm.

00:42:28.070 --> 00:42:31.260
Droege, Sam
Ah, the the females are in simillima.

00:42:31.950 --> 00:42:43.040
Droege, Sam
Are easy to tell apart, but here you can see we're dealing with different set of characters that are a are more complex so.

00:42:44.290 --> 00:42:50.630
Droege, Sam
The other part is that I'm not sure that the ohh that's in the female that the.

00:42:52.210 --> 00:43:04.620
Droege, Sam
The antennae had very distinctive, so I'm gonna skip that part there. I can't remember what we have some different characters in discover. Life guide might return to that the next time we're.

00:43:05.320 --> 00:43:19.930
Droege, Sam
Working on here and hopefully we'll have Mike back to talk about some of these things. So S4, this is the character that often has tricks, people the S4, I call it the.

00:43:20.000 --> 00:43:49.330
Droege, Sam
The the rim being Ziploc bagged versus not Ziploc bagged. I'm pretty sure we covered this the last time we saw a specimen under the microscope and you're seeing what's called Varyingly, narrowly grooved or a double edge. And it's microscopic. So this is not something that's particularly obvious. You have to drill in with your microscope and after you see a few versions of it, it becomes apparent.

00:43:50.020 --> 00:43:52.370
Droege, Sam
But it's not.

00:43:53.430 --> 00:43:58.860
Droege, Sam
Not super obvious, and we're gonna. We'll go there because we have specimens that have that character.

00:44:00.040 --> 00:44:08.160
Droege, Sam
So when we were looking at chillia and Texana and cerulean sins and georgica, we were seeing these sorts of characters.

00:44:08.910 --> 00:44:09.780
Droege, Sam

00:44:11.730 --> 00:44:15.380
Droege, Sam
When we go back here.

00:44:16.000 --> 00:44:20.330
Droege, Sam
Uh, the separation here, so she'll be in Texana are both.

00:44:20.890 --> 00:44:23.820
Droege, Sam
Uh, both some cirsium or.

00:44:24.430 --> 00:44:24.960
Droege, Sam

00:44:26.240 --> 00:44:37.710
Droege, Sam
Why my uh feeding or Thistle specialists and georgica is a specialist on composites, so it's out now on things like.

00:44:38.750 --> 00:45:09.150
Droege, Sam
Umm Daisy fleabane is where I catch it on awful lot and through lessons is an introduced species. I don't have any specimens on hand for that one. I do have some of these others, so let's pull georgica and we're looking at lateral. So basically large versus small species are separating out these two groups. Size alone would do that and it looks like lateral ocelli closer to in margin then to ADS at Vertex is a straight measurement that helps with.

00:45:09.350 --> 00:45:14.980
Droege, Sam
The separation of the two. Let's look at georgica. That's the one that people tend to see the most.

00:45:18.210 --> 00:45:18.530
Droege, Sam

00:45:29.690 --> 00:45:31.380
Droege, Sam
Pull out a specimen here.

00:45:35.340 --> 00:45:44.910
Droege, Sam
To georgica, in addition to what Mike is talking about, so Mike is very focused here on the.

00:45:45.430 --> 00:45:52.420
Droege, Sam
Uh, on characters, we'll look up and discover life. The characters that have to do with genitalia.

00:45:54.350 --> 00:45:54.960
Droege, Sam

00:45:56.220 --> 00:45:59.670
Droege, Sam
But he also talks about the prodigal triangle area being shiny.

00:46:00.610 --> 00:46:09.820
Droege, Sam
But in addition to that, if we can get a good look here, actually, let's see if we can see the zip lock bag S4.

00:46:11.530 --> 00:46:14.810
Droege, Sam
And then we're going to jump to the slot like.

00:46:16.410 --> 00:46:22.250
Droege, Sam
The character of the proposal pit so proportial pit stern out to be.

00:46:21.270 --> 00:46:23.900
Maffei, Clare J
And I'm gonna give us a tight 10 minute warning.

00:46:24.450 --> 00:46:25.410
Droege, Sam
10 minute, OK, got it.

00:46:26.210 --> 00:46:28.080
Droege, Sam
Umm and.

00:46:29.120 --> 00:46:29.410
Droege, Sam

00:46:31.370 --> 00:46:35.870
Droege, Sam
Where did I? No. There it is. OK.

00:46:38.170 --> 00:46:40.750
Droege, Sam
I thought I had lost the computer.

00:46:46.510 --> 00:46:48.740
Droege, Sam
So Georgia is relatively small.

00:46:50.260 --> 00:46:52.700
Droege, Sam
Similar to Pumla and atrioventricular.

00:46:54.680 --> 00:47:10.130
Droege, Sam
We're looking at for S4 here. I need more light to see this so, but just to Orient, that's gonna be the S4 rim. There's the hair Tufts U S3, which are often retracted.

00:47:11.590 --> 00:47:12.980
Droege, Sam
So let's go.

00:47:17.580 --> 00:47:20.100
Droege, Sam
Here and upon our.

00:47:23.320 --> 00:47:24.290
Droege, Sam
Lighting quite a bit.

00:47:32.350 --> 00:47:33.390
Droege, Sam

00:47:34.160 --> 00:47:48.890
Droege, Sam
I'll have to change the angle a little bit, but we are looking edge on so here is the groove that Mike talks about right here. There is the split rim, the double rim. However you want to call it. Zip lock bag there's.

00:47:50.210 --> 00:48:08.720
Droege, Sam
RIM number one and the lower rim rim number two there and other groups. In other words, not those four that we were just looking at are going to have just a simple like over here, a simple rim that is not.

00:48:09.620 --> 00:48:10.330
Droege, Sam

00:48:11.580 --> 00:48:13.930
Droege, Sam
Let's see if I'm going to change the angle just a tiny bit.

00:48:16.540 --> 00:48:25.570
Droege, Sam
See that does anything for us, and then we're gonna look at the proposal pit and the proposed Yum.

00:48:27.200 --> 00:48:30.790
Droege, Sam
Cerulo essence or cerium? Cerium through lessons.

00:48:31.890 --> 00:48:47.000
Droege, Sam
Is not very common any longer in a lot of areas they are seem to have retracted out of most of their southern range. It's an introduced species to begin with. Probably has some kind of interesting early history.

00:48:48.610 --> 00:48:49.600
Droege, Sam
To European.

00:48:50.550 --> 00:49:09.480
Droege, Sam
OK, there's is a better look at the double rim. So the double rim basically opens up on away from the ladder for a lateral sides and from the very tip. And so you have this area right here that's groove. So Mike would call this a groove.

00:49:10.640 --> 00:49:16.890
Droege, Sam
And I would call it the zip lock bag. Other people call it double waves, so there's that.

00:49:17.910 --> 00:49:21.590
Droege, Sam
The I should say that if you were looking at this specimen.

00:49:22.820 --> 00:49:32.250
Droege, Sam
Just on the other side and did not notice the double rim. Put this back under here. You would likely want to call this osmia puumala.

00:49:33.510 --> 00:49:50.750
Droege, Sam
Because of the just the general pattern, you can even see the double room up here though, but it's if you're not looking for it, it's easy to overlook, but this general aspect of the underside you spent a lot of time looking at undersides when you're looking at Osman's is very puumala like.

00:49:51.440 --> 00:49:57.010
Droege, Sam
So we're going to see if we can inspect now.

00:49:58.260 --> 00:49:58.900
Droege, Sam

00:50:01.300 --> 00:50:05.130
Droege, Sam
Proportial pit. And we can we're gonna zoom right in.

00:50:05.860 --> 00:50:07.780
Droege, Sam
See if we can keep the same.

00:50:10.770 --> 00:50:12.000
Droege, Sam

00:50:13.330 --> 00:50:14.190
Droege, Sam

00:50:14.900 --> 00:50:22.190
Droege, Sam
OK, so first of all, this area right here would be the proposal triangle area and in through lessons.

00:50:23.320 --> 00:50:24.410
Droege, Sam
I pronouncing that right?

00:50:25.930 --> 00:50:27.060
Droege, Sam
Yeah, through lessons.

00:50:28.080 --> 00:50:33.600
Droege, Sam
Uh, this would be largely mirror like and shiny, and you can see there's a lot of texturing.

00:50:34.960 --> 00:50:36.450
Droege, Sam
And even some.

00:50:37.660 --> 00:50:45.310
Droege, Sam
Some striations at the base going on there and what we're looking for is the cursor is on is.

00:50:46.300 --> 00:50:50.720
Droege, Sam
Maybe a little bit difficult to see. I'm gonna angle it up a little bit more.

00:50:52.100 --> 00:51:02.270
Droege, Sam
Is a slot like proposal pit. So the proposal pit, I'm not sure what the derivation of the function is. It's not something that we really see in other species.

00:51:03.080 --> 00:51:03.650
Droege, Sam

00:51:05.730 --> 00:51:07.120
Droege, Sam
Find it here first.

00:51:08.860 --> 00:51:13.440
Droege, Sam
Is somewhere on the proposed rear face the podium.

00:51:14.330 --> 00:51:20.860
Droege, Sam
And different species have quite strikingly different. If I shine shine the light in here a little bit differently.

00:51:21.730 --> 00:51:36.400
Droege, Sam
Have quite strikingly different shapes, sizes, textures and patterns to the proposal pits so they can be extremely useful. One issue though is how you would prepare your specimen.

00:51:37.760 --> 00:51:39.450
Droege, Sam
So in this case.

00:51:41.890 --> 00:52:04.320
Droege, Sam
Be antman is drooping down a lot of times. You'll what another set of useful features is on T1, which is out of focus right here. The face that you cannot see, which is the vertical phase that's facing the prodigium sometimes in some species as shiny and in other species it is.

00:52:06.040 --> 00:52:08.950
Droege, Sam
Dulled by these kind of tessellations.

00:52:09.760 --> 00:52:39.640
Droege, Sam
A blinds or Shangri, so this is hard to see because it is so dark and you can see that there's a deep crevice here. It's basically a linear rectangle long and stretched out there, and this would be the proposal pit area. So here's the junction between the thorax and the abdomen. And just above that, is this proportional pit area. And we'll probably see this.

00:52:39.740 --> 00:53:00.030
Droege, Sam
In several other cases, because it is so useful, the pattern in those pits, so sometimes that central area can be almost completely round and other times it can be egg shaped, other times linear, sometimes bright and shiny, sometimes with lateral shiny spots.

00:53:01.390 --> 00:53:05.000
Droege, Sam
And other times completely dulled to the interior.

00:53:05.840 --> 00:53:09.630
Droege, Sam
I don't appreciate the way all my lessons.

00:53:17.750 --> 00:53:18.010
Droege, Sam

00:53:19.700 --> 00:53:22.900
Droege, Sam
Through lessons not present.

00:53:24.480 --> 00:53:25.090
Droege, Sam

00:53:26.510 --> 00:53:30.280
Droege, Sam
The If we go to discover life, I think we'll see that.

00:53:31.470 --> 00:53:36.580
Droege, Sam
Sir, Russians has a large round shaped for podium pit.

00:53:37.500 --> 00:53:38.600
Droege, Sam
Here we are in the mails.

00:53:39.740 --> 00:53:44.790
Droege, Sam
Been working on the guide there and you can see that when we're.

00:53:45.560 --> 00:54:02.560
Droege, Sam
I'm working with these things. The proposal pit is one of the ones that we can move around where the questions go, but we suggest that's one of the best things to look at. So here, narrow parallel sighted trench. There's only four you can see from the green there.

00:54:03.560 --> 00:54:05.250
Droege, Sam
Species that are.

00:54:07.220 --> 00:54:13.330
Droege, Sam
Ohh scored for having that. I'm not sure why we are hope. There we go.

00:54:14.280 --> 00:54:14.890
Droege, Sam
Or maybe not.

00:54:16.600 --> 00:54:18.170
Droege, Sam
Why this is not?

00:54:18.670 --> 00:54:22.520
Maffei, Clare J
I was having issues with it earlier today just being slow.

00:54:18.960 --> 00:54:20.230
Droege, Sam
I would have you.

00:54:21.210 --> 00:54:21.700
Droege, Sam

00:54:23.270 --> 00:54:23.660
Droege, Sam

00:54:24.960 --> 00:54:25.390
Droege, Sam

00:54:26.250 --> 00:54:27.970
Droege, Sam
It did show up.

00:54:31.260 --> 00:54:31.750
Droege, Sam

00:54:34.530 --> 00:54:35.360
Droege, Sam
It is.

00:54:36.480 --> 00:54:38.260
Droege, Sam
Anyway, as we at georgica.

00:54:39.620 --> 00:54:40.230
Droege, Sam

00:54:40.790 --> 00:54:46.960
Droege, Sam
Umm, one of the you know, restart this. Yeah, it seems to be.

00:54:48.310 --> 00:54:51.800
Droege, Sam
I'm going to try. Ohh. You know what? The entire.

00:54:52.480 --> 00:54:57.250
Droege, Sam
Nothing is clicking on that. Let me go to a different browser that browser.

00:54:56.750 --> 00:54:58.770
Maffei, Clare J
Well, let's two o'clock anyway.

00:54:59.470 --> 00:55:23.260
Droege, Sam
Most 2 clock anyway. OK alright. Anyway, if the browser was functioning, which it appears to not, you would see that this is a useful place to look and a lot of times there's more pattern and detail in the proposal pits than can be easily expressed. Well, now it's flickering. Oops. Something happened there.

00:55:23.920 --> 00:55:32.510
Droege, Sam
Umm. Then can be easily expressed in a guide because it's more nuanced. So looking at the proposal pits in osmia.

00:55:33.590 --> 00:55:34.780
Droege, Sam
Is useful.

00:55:35.610 --> 00:55:37.530
Droege, Sam
Let's see if we can get it to.

00:55:38.240 --> 00:55:40.730
Droege, Sam
Do something now. There we go.

00:55:41.350 --> 00:56:01.620
Droege, Sam
Umm, so when we I don't know why there's more than four. Actually I do because some of these probably aren't scored because we haven't seen them to classify the proposal. But there's osmia georgica which has that deep trench like thing. So any questions, Claire, before we have to go?

00:56:02.900 --> 00:56:07.980
Maffei, Clare J
There is a question in the chat that is like more of a continuing conversation.

00:56:08.730 --> 00:56:15.210
Maffei, Clare J
So, Laurel, I'm gonna cut the recording. Unless anybody has a final.

00:56:08.970 --> 00:56:09.260
Droege, Sam

00:56:16.770 --> 00:56:18.420
Maffei, Clare J
Identification related question.

00:56:21.170 --> 00:56:22.100
Maffei, Clare J
Alright, fantastic.