0:0:0.0 --> 0:0:4.480
Maffei, Clare J
Very insightful things you fellow say so.

0:0:4.490 --> 0:0:5.780
Maffei, Clare J
We have now started recording.

0:0:5.790 --> 0:0:9.430
Maffei, Clare J
We are picking up with the endrina sub andrine subgenera.

0:0:10.0 --> 0:0:12.240
Maffei, Clare J
Rob, do you want to introduce yourself?

0:0:12.250 --> 0:0:14.800
Maffei, Clare J
Would you or we could do that for us for you?

0:0:14.490 --> 0:0:14.880
Rob Jean

0:0:14.890 --> 0:0:15.900
Rob Jean
And I I can do that.

0:0:15.910 --> 0:0:17.820
Rob Jean
And yeah, I'm rob Jean.

0:0:17.830 --> 0:0:21.920
Rob Jean
I'm a senior entomologist for Environmental solutions and innovations.

0:0:21.930 --> 0:0:27.960
Rob Jean
That's kind of my daytime job, but mostly I I enjoy, you know, identifying and hunting bees.

0:0:28.260 --> 0:0:35.850
Rob Jean
And so that's mainly mainly what I do and andreina is my favorite group and and that's why I'm here to talk about it, so.

0:0:37.560 --> 0:0:37.900
Droege, Sam

0:0:38.700 --> 0:0:39.320
Droege, Sam
Thanks, rob.

0:0:39.330 --> 0:0:49.830
Droege, Sam
I've known rob for years too and is help with many an earlier version of trying to do classes on be identification. Umm.

0:0:49.210 --> 0:0:55.0
Rob Jean
And and hopefully soon too, we'll be doing some major updates to the Andrina Discover Life Guide.

0:0:55.350 --> 0:0:55.570
Droege, Sam

0:0:55.10 --> 0:0:58.210
Rob Jean
So those are all in the works and lots lots of plans.

0:0:57.680 --> 0:1:5.310
Droege, Sam
Yeah, yeah, there's there is a lot of things afoot there that I think everyone will benefit from and be glad to see.

0:1:6.70 --> 0:1:8.80
David Cappaert (Guest)
Well, and let let me throw this thing in there.

0:1:10.970 --> 0:1:11.260
Droege, Sam

0:1:8.90 --> 0:1:14.410
David Cappaert (Guest)
In terms of the Discover Life andrina guide, I've actually done the grunt work of taking for the Pacific Northwest.

0:1:16.970 --> 0:1:18.340
David Cappaert (Guest)
Group by group.

0:1:18.430 --> 0:1:20.990
David Cappaert (Guest)
I have all of the traits for any of the.

0:1:23.720 --> 0:1:38.760
David Cappaert (Guest)
And reesa big spreadsheet so I can tell you metallic these are the sub genre that might be metallic because studio plate sculpture these are the species that will have that and it's gonna become a sort of key.

0:1:38.770 --> 0:1:41.600
David Cappaert (Guest)
And I'm gonna depend on people like you all to help me.

0:1:44.610 --> 0:1:45.280
Droege, Sam

0:1:45.410 --> 0:1:45.610
Droege, Sam

0:1:41.610 --> 0:1:45.690
David Cappaert (Guest)
Sort of troubleshoot it and tell me where I'm going wrong, but I'm moving on it.

0:1:46.850 --> 0:1:47.300
Droege, Sam
Oh, good.

0:1:47.810 --> 0:1:48.530
Droege, Sam

0:1:49.110 --> 0:1:54.620
Droege, Sam
So yeah, any anytime in this I think will be much more common here in a little bit.

0:1:54.800 --> 0:2:6.850
Droege, Sam
But we are happy to have people score unscored species and unscored characters of species of which most of the Western ones are very lightly scored.

0:2:6.860 --> 0:2:11.480
Droege, Sam
You know, they were going through once at Logan by a group of people, and that was it.

0:2:11.490 --> 0:2:19.520
Droege, Sam
And there was no attempt to resolve or add in, you know, some of the Laberge couplets and things like that would that would clarify things.

0:2:30.930 --> 0:2:32.330
David Cappaert (Guest)
Yes, we've noticed that out.

0:2:19.530 --> 0:2:36.140
Droege, Sam
So the western endrina, although they exist in the guide, are not really, umm, highly usable, except as sorting, you know, sorting into groups or that kind of stuff and then you would need to right now take it as you know, take it on your own.

0:2:36.150 --> 0:3:5.530
Droege, Sam
Which of course is its own nightmare, but we would love to have those scorings because we can add them and then usability goes up and ultimately we can reverse engineer while Laberge is keys to get a complete in the Wally Liebergen mind frame set and his grad students all that andrina information and also have people expand upon.

0:3:5.640 --> 0:3:10.270
Droege, Sam
How do you tell this from this, which is really where a lot of the action is?

0:3:10.280 --> 0:3:21.450
Droege, Sam
Because no, you know, oil Burges keys are good and often could use a little clarity, as do all of our keys and stuff.

0:3:21.460 --> 0:3:24.460
Droege, Sam
So that's that's something to keep up with.

0:3:24.550 --> 0:3:35.260
Droege, Sam
Also, David, just a reminder to put out your new web page to of andrina characters to the be monitoring list.

0:3:35.270 --> 0:3:39.320
Droege, Sam
Serve should be good because people really could use that.

0:3:41.640 --> 0:3:43.340
Maffei, Clare J
It's in the chat if you're here.

0:3:41.20 --> 0:3:44.810
Droege, Sam
Umm, maybe OK.

0:3:47.790 --> 0:3:48.350
Maffei, Clare J
Yes, for sure.

0:3:45.240 --> 0:4:5.150
Droege, Sam
But I think for the the much larger world I'm gonna if if this is OK with them, I'm gonna share and I'm gonna show people a couple things that could be useful in terms of looking up, you know, getting to what are the each of the species in the sub genre sub at the subgenus level?

0:4:5.400 --> 0:4:8.850
Droege, Sam
I can't talk when I do two things at once, so if that's OK.

0:4:9.690 --> 0:4:23.670
Droege, Sam
Umm, if we you go to the endrina key so this in this case I have the ohh meal key up, you will see.

0:4:24.630 --> 0:4:27.380
Droege, Sam
Umm uh, the the the key section.

0:4:27.390 --> 0:4:34.920
Droege, Sam
Let's say you're I interested in what species of subgenus X are in my area, so we have lots of options here.

0:4:34.930 --> 0:4:40.380
Droege, Sam
So you could just do the bees east of the Mississippi and just limit it to that.

0:4:40.450 --> 0:4:47.700
Droege, Sam
You could leave it off, and now you're looking at all the bees in North America of a subgenus, which we'll show you how.

0:4:47.710 --> 0:4:55.970
Droege, Sam
Or you could say ohh I only want it for Louisiana or something like Massachusetts, which certainly has many more species.

0:4:56.920 --> 0:5:2.80
Droege, Sam
Whatever you choose there, you can then go down to the subgenus here and.

0:5:3.720 --> 0:5:23.320
Droege, Sam
You know, click on let's do one that has a fair number of species like nemia, endrina umm and click on that and you'll get a list over here for Massachusetts has these four umm uh species in that sub genus listed.

0:5:23.690 --> 0:5:29.850
Droege, Sam
And that's a combination of what's been scored for Massachusetts and what's been scored for that sub genus.

0:5:30.610 --> 0:5:58.160
Droege, Sam
I think the subgenus Scorings are pretty complete, but you know mistakes creep in everywhere, so if someone sees something like ohh hey, that's not in the right subgenus, let us know for those of you who are trying to do this at home right now, you will see at the bottom endrina uvula area show up because until just today it was in a unassigned category and so we didn't have a category for it.

0:5:58.170 --> 0:6:8.380
Droege, Sam
I now created one so that it doesn't get confusing when you see Andrina Yuuri popping up every single time you do a search like that.

0:6:8.970 --> 0:6:11.360
Droege, Sam
So that's one aspect.

0:6:12.290 --> 0:6:19.270
Droege, Sam
And if we go to John Ashers, I think this I was looking at something here.

0:6:19.900 --> 0:6:20.480
Droege, Sam

0:6:20.840 --> 0:6:30.670
Droege, Sam
Species page, which I think I overwrote, but I can find quickly so to find I'll show people how to get there.

0:6:30.680 --> 0:7:2.0
Droege, Sam
So if you go to the Discover Life Home page and click on the bumblebee, you can go, you know, either several avenues to this, but this is the fastest you get to the apoidea page and this B species link here is John Asher's really handy system of all of the 20,759 species names he considers to be currently valid and he has them split up in many different groups.

0:7:2.10 --> 0:7:8.150
Droege, Sam
So you can look at them by family subfamily, Country, obviously incomplete in lots of parts of the world.

0:7:8.420 --> 0:7:19.210
Droege, Sam
Tribes subtribes genus and in this particular case the subgenus now subgenus, is for every single can see how long this is.

0:7:19.220 --> 0:7:27.260
Droege, Sam
Every single subgenus in the world, for every single bee species that be.

0:7:28.320 --> 0:7:38.870
Droege, Sam
Genus that has subgenera listed, so it's maybe inefficient, but now you can look around the world at what else might be in umm.

0:7:39.440 --> 0:7:40.30
Droege, Sam
Let's see.

0:7:40.360 --> 0:7:58.530
Droege, Sam
OK, not scrapped her opsis and there is the list 16 and you can see it in the even matches the the numbers here 16 different kinds and some of these are US and maybe there's some European, I don't know.

0:7:59.0 --> 0:8:2.630
Droege, Sam
Anyway, for those who want to, that's another option.

0:8:2.980 --> 0:8:26.250
Droege, Sam
And then today, I also bring up, umm the collections page in our Flickr site, and it's very actually tricky and I guess I'll try and get Claire to put a link to it, because you can't really get there by just clicking into Flickr to find collections versus galleries.

0:8:26.530 --> 0:8:33.850
Droege, Sam
But we've divided for Visa Maryland and anyone can do this for anything and I think you can grab any picture anywhere in the system to do this.

0:8:34.550 --> 0:8:38.900
Droege, Sam
So we can look at andreades and we have each of the.

0:8:40.560 --> 0:8:45.30
Droege, Sam
Genera there and we click on andrina and there's information.

0:8:45.40 --> 0:9:3.270
Droege, Sam
In this particular case, we've added information on what defines andrina, and then there are umm uh species groups that you can click on to pull up a, you know, pictures and just a different Ave versus going to.

0:9:4.540 --> 0:9:15.950
Droege, Sam
Online and doing a Google search to get to discover life species page or to go through a guide, you can go through that system too and look at the species.

0:9:16.10 --> 0:9:35.840
Droege, Sam
So I will stop there and punt it back to Mike and Umm and Rob and Dave to see if our David and see if they have any additional things to say before we go back to Mike's subgenus Key or Claire.

0:9:43.310 --> 0:9:43.730
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:9:43.0 --> 0:9:43.790
Rob Jean
So this is right?

0:9:43.170 --> 0:9:44.60
Maffei, Clare J
I don't have anything bad.

0:9:46.180 --> 0:9:46.660
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:9:46.230 --> 0:9:46.840
Droege, Sam

0:9:46.850 --> 0:10:6.720
Droege, Sam
So Mike, take it away and we, I will keep the if if this sounds good, we'll I'll keep the subgenus key up on the ohm on the zoom session here or the whatever whatever system we're working on.

0:10:7.10 --> 0:10:24.650
Droege, Sam
And if someone wants to take it over and show a picture, for example, David or Rob Gene, you want something or anyone else wants me to pull up a picture or we can also load the scope here to look at something specific like an actual specimen.

0:10:27.340 --> 0:10:27.610
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:10:26.420 --> 0:10:29.740
Droege, Sam
So I think we were at this one 7.

0:10:28.850 --> 0:10:33.480
Maffei, Clare J
So Mike, Mikes later commented a little while back that last week really liked that.

0:10:33.490 --> 0:10:40.940
Maffei, Clare J
While we were talking about a character, you gave examples of species at which species to look at, which show the characters that well.

0:10:42.710 --> 0:10:43.170
Maffei, Clare J

0:10:43.370 --> 0:10:51.480
Maffei, Clare J
So Mike really liked that approach last week and I think that's what you were getting at there with showing us different ways that we can jump to the bees in a certain subgenus.

0:10:51.790 --> 0:10:53.670
Maffei, Clare J
But just echoing that keep doing it.

0:10:54.460 --> 0:10:55.390
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, it's the same.

0:10:55.240 --> 0:10:55.530
Droege, Sam

0:10:55.400 --> 0:10:55.860
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Do you have any?

0:10:55.540 --> 0:10:59.760
Droege, Sam
So people should be be online looking things up and that kind of stuff.

0:10:59.770 --> 0:11:1.740
Droege, Sam
I think that's useful terms of learning.

0:11:4.310 --> 0:11:4.920
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:11:5.250 --> 0:11:22.580
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Just to briefly review what we did last week, you know we're in the part of the key where we are we we started to look for the pronotal features and you know there's a large group of andrina subgenera that have a well.

0:11:22.590 --> 0:11:24.490
Mike Arduser (Guest)
We'll just call a modified pronotum.

0:11:24.560 --> 0:11:44.650
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There's a dorsoventral Ridge, greater or lesser, and a what we call the humoral angle on the pronotum, and we talked about these last week, so that we're still in that part of the key and there's last week they those were fairly small groups subgenre that had relatively few species in them.

0:11:44.740 --> 0:11:59.220
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's gonna change today because we're gonna tackle some of the larger groups again, that all have the pronotal modifications in both sexes, but they're just larger number of species in the sub generally.

0:12:0.570 --> 0:12:2.830
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So we stopped at last week.

0:12:2.840 --> 0:12:9.20
Mike Arduser (Guest)
We stopped at layer andrina, which is the single species Miserables widespread throughout the whole country.

0:12:10.160 --> 0:12:14.810
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Maybe a complex species rather than just one, so that's where we stopped.

0:12:17.180 --> 0:12:20.670
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And then that was a couple of 6 and went.

0:12:20.680 --> 0:12:26.520
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So the next couple is couple of seven and umm this ones a little.

0:12:26.930 --> 0:12:31.220
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I kind of apologize for the wording that there's a kind of a reason to it.

0:12:31.470 --> 0:12:36.570
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Umm, so a couple of seven starts with the hypothermal Corina Lateral arms.

0:12:36.730 --> 0:12:39.50
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Well, but what is that?

0:12:39.330 --> 0:12:45.20
Mike Arduser (Guest)
The hypostome will carrionite hypostome is on the underside of the head and that's where that mouth parts reside.

0:12:45.30 --> 0:12:59.80
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's a cavity, and Albies have that, and along the margins of that hypostome that cavity, there's sometimes a more or less corona or a Ridge that parallels that the margins.

0:12:59.390 --> 0:13:5.560
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And then as that concavity goes towards the mandibles, all of a sudden there's a right angle turn.

0:13:5.710 --> 0:13:23.90
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So the hypostome Corinne or the hypostome that diverges from parallel to totally divergent right angles with Ghana andrina those two arms are similar in length and that can be very hard to see.

0:13:24.50 --> 0:13:29.230
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Uh, but if you can see it and you recognize it, that's pretty much all you need to know.

0:13:30.760 --> 0:13:31.480
Mike Arduser (Guest)
The reason the.

0:13:33.300 --> 0:13:36.480
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Word or is bolded and underlined right after?

0:13:36.490 --> 0:13:47.90
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That is because I recognize you can't always see that, so you have a group of other characters that can that together can define gonna endrina.

0:13:48.0 --> 0:13:56.290
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And that's so it's a list of what 4-5 and so if you can't see the hypostome Carina well, or you're not confident that you're looking at it, you're not sure what it is.

0:13:56.580 --> 0:14:11.700
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Then you can look at these other things and I sold that the the cheeks, the margin of the cheeks, and Gina in most of the female gone into running in the east to some extent has a sharp edge.

0:14:11.710 --> 0:14:14.340
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's carinate up top, and that's kind of unusual.

0:14:14.350 --> 0:14:17.150
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Not most enduring a species don't have that.

0:14:18.40 --> 0:14:21.370
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Uh, and the prodigal triangle is roughened.

0:14:21.420 --> 0:14:22.210
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's not smooth.

0:14:22.220 --> 0:14:23.170
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's not shiny.

0:14:23.460 --> 0:14:27.70
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's not dramatically rough and reticulate, but it's thoroughly.

0:14:28.860 --> 0:14:31.350
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Roughened and articulate in a small way.

0:14:32.530 --> 0:14:39.860
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Last week we talked about the Proportial corbicula on the sides of the propidium, but it was complete incomplete.

0:14:39.870 --> 0:14:40.20
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:14:40.30 --> 0:14:44.160
Mike Arduser (Guest)
How it all the different varieties with God andrina females.

0:14:44.280 --> 0:14:51.900
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There is no anterior fringe, so the proposal cubicula is incomplete and doesn't have that anterior friends.

0:14:51.910 --> 0:14:53.570
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And there aren't many hairs with in it.

0:14:55.750 --> 0:14:57.60
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And I'm going to a few other things.

0:14:57.410 --> 0:15:1.930
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Maybe the best field character is that they're all specialists on shrubby dogwoods.

0:15:3.20 --> 0:15:8.770
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Umm, not flowering Dogwood but the shrub ones like cornice of liqua and several others.

0:15:9.80 --> 0:15:9.790
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's their.

0:15:9.800 --> 0:15:12.870
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's their primary source of pollen.

0:15:12.920 --> 0:15:20.530
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So if you collect an andrina of cornice, you know the first thing you have to think about is, well, I wonder if this has gone endrina because it's very likely that it is.

0:15:23.240 --> 0:15:27.520
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I rambled a bit there, but any other Rob?

0:15:27.560 --> 0:15:31.560
Maffei, Clare J
I think, Sam, are you pulling up the hypothermic situation?

0:15:30.790 --> 0:15:35.700
Droege, Sam
I I've got some specimens here and I'll try and do that without interfering.

0:15:35.950 --> 0:15:36.640
Droege, Sam

0:15:37.210 --> 0:15:45.910
Droege, Sam
Claire, do you wanna take over the showing of Mikes key and I'll try and load up a specimen so that people don't have to see me twiddling around with it.

0:15:49.340 --> 0:15:50.140
Maffei, Clare J
Yeah, I can do that.

0:15:46.880 --> 0:15:50.370
Droege, Sam
Is that makes sense for me.

0:15:51.250 --> 0:15:51.450
Droege, Sam

0:15:53.130 --> 0:15:53.700
Rob Jean
I don't think I.

0:15:53.460 --> 0:15:54.870
Droege, Sam
They they all and they.

0:15:54.880 --> 0:16:10.490
Droege, Sam
And as Mike alluded to, I think they have a very kind of distinct look and feel like when you look at it after looking at these, you know fragilis switches, but here the most common one and some of the others, it's like oh, oh, that's one of the the.

0:16:11.400 --> 0:16:15.420
Droege, Sam
I just think of them as the specialists on cornice, the sweater group.

0:16:16.720 --> 0:16:17.500
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Right, right.

0:16:19.130 --> 0:16:19.340
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:16:19.540 --> 0:16:19.740
Rob Jean

0:16:19.350 --> 0:16:22.560
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And they can be really common about four species in the east.

0:16:22.570 --> 0:16:24.710
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I think maybe 5-4 that I can think of.

0:16:24.780 --> 0:16:25.0
Droege, Sam

0:16:25.720 --> 0:16:26.270
Droege, Sam
Four or five.

0:16:26.880 --> 0:16:27.20
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:16:25.740 --> 0:16:27.880
Rob Jean
Yeah, it's gonna say 4 that I can think of.

0:16:28.280 --> 0:16:29.20
Rob Jean
Yeah, I can't.

0:16:29.260 --> 0:16:30.630
Rob Jean
I don't have a whole lot to add.

0:16:30.640 --> 0:16:32.710
Rob Jean
I think you know the why cheeks.

0:16:32.860 --> 0:16:42.790
Rob Jean
Usually you know some carinate part of it, and then the proposal triangle being roughened and then cornice those those are the key characters.

0:16:45.30 --> 0:16:52.760
Rob Jean
Umm, I think here our most common that I tend to get are platty, Paria and Integra.

0:16:53.850 --> 0:16:54.120
Droege, Sam

0:16:52.830 --> 0:16:58.730
Rob Jean
I get some fragilis and some Persimmon alotta, but the but the other two are much more common.

0:17:1.690 --> 0:17:3.250
Rob Jean
And I'm in Indiana, by the way. So.

0:17:9.30 --> 0:17:9.380
Droege, Sam

0:17:9.390 --> 0:17:10.510
Droege, Sam
So clear of you taken over.

0:17:11.200 --> 0:17:12.310
Maffei, Clare J
Yeah, I'm already taking over.

0:17:12.320 --> 0:17:13.470
Maffei, Clare J
Do you want me to switch back to you?

0:17:14.460 --> 0:17:15.90
Droege, Sam
Uh, not yet.

0:17:15.100 --> 0:17:17.500
Droege, Sam
So I just just wanted to make sure I wasn't interfering.

0:17:24.20 --> 0:17:26.190
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So OK, yeah, so, so.

0:17:17.510 --> 0:17:27.470
Droege, Sam
I'm just gonna try and get the hypostome will cavity shot set up cause might take a little bit but so go ahead and then we'll come back. But.

0:17:26.260 --> 0:17:30.470
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So the second part of that couplet is much more straightforward.

0:17:30.480 --> 0:17:37.270
Mike Arduser (Guest)
If you can't see the, but if the hypostomus crane again isn't clear enough to you and you've got a specimen.

0:17:38.150 --> 0:17:47.470
Mike Arduser (Guest)
If it doesn't have the that above combination of characters that it's gonna be something other than God andrina.

0:17:47.780 --> 0:17:50.310
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So I know that's a wordy couplet.

0:17:50.720 --> 0:17:52.140
Mike Arduser (Guest)
The first part of that couplet, 7.

0:17:53.160 --> 0:17:56.300
Mike Arduser (Guest)
But you know, I'm just trying to cover all the bases and.

0:17:59.790 --> 0:18:11.420
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's one of those subgenera that it doesn't necessarily have one outstanding feature that's easy to see, like some of the others have had, and we'll have that.

0:18:11.430 --> 0:18:12.470
Mike Arduser (Guest)
We're gonna look at so.

0:18:19.370 --> 0:18:21.500
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And these are medium size species, not real.

0:18:21.120 --> 0:18:23.570
Maffei, Clare J
There's a question that chat what are the species in Ghana?

0:18:23.580 --> 0:18:27.430
Maffei, Clare J
Andrina, I think you just knit rattled off a couple.

0:18:27.440 --> 0:18:29.370
Maffei, Clare J
Was that religious eastern ones?

0:18:30.690 --> 0:18:32.110
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, those are the east robs say that.

0:18:33.390 --> 0:18:34.190
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Whatever you said.

0:18:33.620 --> 0:18:40.790
Rob Jean
So we have a we have platty, perria, Integra, fragilis and persimilis data.

0:18:43.510 --> 0:18:44.410
Rob Jean
I can't think of any.

0:18:43.840 --> 0:18:47.300
Droege, Sam
And you guys can you can look them up in the andrina guide?

0:18:53.310 --> 0:18:53.470
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:18:48.910 --> 0:18:53.880
Rob Jean
Yes, and UM out West, though there's probably there's probably some undescribed ones.

0:18:58.800 --> 0:19:0.680
Maffei, Clare J
Sammy ready or should we move on to Nemi Andrina?

0:19:0.830 --> 0:19:2.420
Droege, Sam
And go ahead and move on.

0:19:2.430 --> 0:19:2.700
Droege, Sam

0:19:2.760 --> 0:19:3.300
Droege, Sam
I'm just.

0:19:3.310 --> 0:19:11.520
Droege, Sam
I've got the specimen here, but you know it takes a little while and it's I've gotta get it set up.

0:19:13.890 --> 0:19:15.420
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Well, OK, OK.

0:19:11.530 --> 0:19:15.620
Droege, Sam
So I would say please move all done, I'll call.

0:19:15.630 --> 0:19:16.690
Droege, Sam
I'll call you back in a SEC.

0:19:16.760 --> 0:19:17.930
Droege, Sam
But I think it's worth talking.

0:19:18.60 --> 0:19:18.370
Droege, Sam
Go ahead.

0:19:18.430 --> 0:19:18.640
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:19:19.720 --> 0:19:22.250
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So we're moving on a couple of days and.

0:19:26.280 --> 0:19:41.510
Mike Arduser (Guest)
The the first part of that complete you need to look at the mid basitar SIS which is pretty straightforward, usually quite easy to see unless it's broken off and is it more or less parallel sided which it usually is in most species of andrina?

0:19:42.530 --> 0:19:59.690
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Or is it broad immediately and that means when you looking at in and not in profile but from uh, the dorsal surface, the margins of that mid base of Tarsis are going to kind of bow out immediately and then taper back in distally.

0:19:59.750 --> 0:20:4.540
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So it's gonna be that's what we need when we see broad immediately and not uniformly narrow.

0:20:4.680 --> 0:20:5.270
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's pretty obvious.

0:20:7.420 --> 0:20:15.230
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And then the other thing about this subgenus is the turtle phasia on T2T3 and T4.

0:20:15.560 --> 0:20:24.950
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Unless they're really worn or all they've been soaked in some liquid but really dense and conspicuous and thick and very, very noticeable, not weak or anything.

0:20:24.960 --> 0:20:26.450
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I mean, these are really stand out.

0:20:27.230 --> 0:20:27.470
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:20:28.190 --> 0:20:29.670
Mike Arduser (Guest)
In the field as well as under the scope.

0:20:31.860 --> 0:20:35.350
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And the the Proportial curricula is complete.

0:20:35.510 --> 0:20:36.900
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Remembers they've had that great.

0:20:36.910 --> 0:20:40.360
Mike Arduser (Guest)
They've had that great shot last week of complete proportial corbicula.

0:20:40.370 --> 0:20:43.260
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's like a basket, a friend's nice, beautiful friendship.

0:20:43.270 --> 0:20:49.940
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Hair is all around and almost circular, so that is present in the entry and that's unusual.

0:20:50.310 --> 0:20:53.50
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And the other interesting thing is that these are all late seasoned beef.

0:20:53.810 --> 0:20:59.340
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There are a lot of species in them, endrina, they're relatively speaking, but they're not spring or early summer bees.

0:20:59.350 --> 0:21:0.900
Mike Arduser (Guest)
These are late season bees.

0:21:0.910 --> 0:21:8.650
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That all specialize on various Asteraceae a bloom late in the summer, or even into the fall.

0:21:8.930 --> 0:21:20.150
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So by late season, you know I'm in in the in the greater Midwest, we're talking late August into September, mid August and September and even in October.

0:21:21.20 --> 0:21:27.310
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So that's these are that's another because there are many andrina active that time of year.

0:21:27.600 --> 0:21:38.360
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So it's a fairly fairly easy group to recognize, but that's where it stops being easy because this is a I think this is a difficult subgenus.

0:21:38.370 --> 0:21:48.0
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There are some obvious species, easy ones to recognize, but a lot of their 456 of them that are, you know, they're pretty.

0:21:48.170 --> 0:21:58.180
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I think they're difficult, so I don't know if uh, let me andrina heard a Santa is probably the most conspicuous one.

0:21:58.190 --> 0:22:1.520
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's a beautiful yellow bead that specializes on goldenrod.

0:22:2.230 --> 0:22:6.840
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Easy did recognize in the field fairly widespread in the upper Midwest.

0:22:7.550 --> 0:22:9.380
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Beautiful, gorgeous thing.

0:22:9.930 --> 0:22:13.800
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And that's probably the most obvious and easy one to recognize.

0:22:14.190 --> 0:22:18.160
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And if you want to learn what the subgenus is, or some of the characters, that's a good one to look at.

0:22:20.400 --> 0:22:20.540
Rob Jean

0:22:20.300 --> 0:22:20.690
Droege, Sam
I can.

0:22:20.740 --> 0:22:28.810
Droege, Sam
I can I have some of those specimens, so I'll bring them up on deck, but I also have the hypostome cavity and good, good view here.

0:22:29.970 --> 0:22:30.460
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:22:30.550 --> 0:22:31.30
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, sure.

0:22:28.820 --> 0:22:33.70
Droege, Sam
So if you want, I can flip back to so we can go back and forth.

0:22:33.80 --> 0:22:35.690
Droege, Sam
So, Claire, are you gonna shift me or are you?

0:22:35.820 --> 0:22:37.50
Maffei, Clare J
I just stopped sharing.

0:22:37.60 --> 0:22:37.460
Maffei, Clare J
You're good.

0:22:35.700 --> 0:22:42.320
Droege, Sam
Should I share my OK and here we go.

0:22:44.190 --> 0:22:49.670
Droege, Sam
All right, so here's the hypostome cavity right there.

0:22:49.680 --> 0:23:3.640
Droege, Sam
The so the tongues recessed back in here and here is the Corina lining the sides and if I get you, Mike, this length and this length are I never.

0:23:3.650 --> 0:23:11.440
Droege, Sam
Look, I have to say I look at hypostome, Alcyone and osmia all the time, but never in andrina are we looking at these though?

0:23:11.450 --> 0:23:12.530
Droege, Sam
Are the laterals?

0:23:12.820 --> 0:23:13.790
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yes, correct.

0:23:12.970 --> 0:23:13.880
Droege, Sam
Is that what you call?

0:23:14.80 --> 0:23:14.630
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:23:14.350 --> 0:23:14.920
Droege, Sam

0:23:14.940 --> 0:23:16.320
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So, and that's a good shot.

0:23:16.520 --> 0:23:17.350
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, they're those.

0:23:15.150 --> 0:23:20.480
Droege, Sam
And this is this is long compared, you know, in relationship.

0:23:20.530 --> 0:23:22.110
Droege, Sam
So take us through it.

0:23:19.460 --> 0:23:22.160
Mike Arduser (Guest)
You're right.

0:23:22.330 --> 0:23:23.900
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, relatively speaking.

0:23:24.50 --> 0:23:26.380
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And again, there's no sharp there's a curvature.

0:23:26.520 --> 0:23:36.870
Mike Arduser (Guest)
We know when those parallel margins of the of the hypostome diverge and become lateral, it's there's no single point where that happens.

0:23:36.880 --> 0:23:41.590
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So again, there's some judgment involved here and some experience.

0:23:41.800 --> 0:23:52.860
Mike Arduser (Guest)
But in general, when you look at that lateral arm and those parallel parallel arms, the lateral one is at least as similar in length, if not longer.

0:23:53.940 --> 0:23:55.270
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And in this subgenus.

0:23:57.380 --> 0:23:57.990
Droege, Sam
You can.

0:23:58.530 --> 0:24:0.0
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And that's and that's a good shot.

0:24:1.30 --> 0:24:1.290
Rob Jean

0:23:58.220 --> 0:24:1.380
Droege, Sam
Yeah, that's a OK.

0:24:1.470 --> 0:24:1.860
Droege, Sam

0:24:1.870 --> 0:24:6.220
Droege, Sam
And that's cool that you know, it's something that I'd had never looked at.

0:24:6.230 --> 0:24:9.760
Droege, Sam
So all right, so I'll let Claire.

0:24:9.770 --> 0:24:15.990
Droege, Sam
I'll let you flip it back and I'll I'll bring up a here to sync or something similar to show the basil tarsal character.

0:24:16.720 --> 0:24:17.120
Maffei, Clare J

0:24:16.750 --> 0:24:17.170
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:24:17.130 --> 0:24:21.580
Maffei, Clare J
And on that note, if somebody was wondering if any other subject or have that brought in mid based piracy.

0:24:21.780 --> 0:24:23.190
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Not that I know of.

0:24:23.280 --> 0:24:24.650
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Not in, not in the new world.

0:24:25.440 --> 0:24:27.780
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I think it's unique and gondorian is a new world.

0:24:28.420 --> 0:24:30.40
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Uh. It's continuous.

0:24:30.890 --> 0:24:32.90
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Umm, I don't.

0:24:32.920 --> 0:24:34.380
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I think it's not.

0:24:34.390 --> 0:24:35.680
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There might be some that are close.

0:24:36.520 --> 0:24:41.140
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Umm but that picture that Sam had that is, I mean, that's the archetype.

0:24:41.150 --> 0:24:41.890
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's perfect.

0:24:42.0 --> 0:24:47.890
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's what they look like and I don't know of any other subgenus that that looks like that.

0:24:48.230 --> 0:24:52.420
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Always the lateral arms are always shorter than the parallel.

0:24:52.510 --> 0:24:57.100
Rob Jean
And I think with this, they were asking about the mid base of Tarsis though whether any, yeah.

0:24:55.960 --> 0:25:2.960
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Oops, sorry, yes, but uh.

0:25:2.970 --> 0:25:5.120
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And in terms of the subgenus character?

0:25:6.50 --> 0:25:8.850
Mike Arduser (Guest)
No, but there are species in in some of that.

0:25:8.860 --> 0:25:17.750
Mike Arduser (Guest)
At least one of the other subgenera or there are some species that do have a broadened mid based Tarsis, but we're gonna get to those eventually.

0:25:18.970 --> 0:25:23.670
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Umm, so when you see the mid based Tarsis broadened like this and not narrow.

0:25:23.680 --> 0:25:28.390
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's the first thing that you think of is is nemmy andrina and.

0:25:33.70 --> 0:25:33.480
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:25:33.700 --> 0:25:36.330
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

0:25:28.170 --> 0:25:36.400
Rob Jean
Yeah, I think I think the others that are broadened do not have a prenatal angle like Caroline Calandrino. Yeah.

0:25:36.390 --> 0:25:44.740
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So if you've got an andrina female andrina with the pronotal Ridge and humoral angle, and the mid base of Tarsus is broadened, bingo.

0:25:45.230 --> 0:25:45.950
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's never entering.

0:25:46.840 --> 0:25:51.630
Rob Jean
Although I do think there is isn't there ad in the middle shimmied or a Nimrod?

0:25:52.410 --> 0:25:54.780
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Uh, I don't think so.

0:25:55.130 --> 0:25:56.980
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I think it's an Emmy andrina now.

0:25:56.990 --> 0:25:58.950
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I could be wrong, would be the first time.

0:26:1.130 --> 0:26:2.780
Rob Jean
That looked that out, I knew.

0:26:1.940 --> 0:26:4.650
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, this this is pronounced in different ways.

0:26:4.910 --> 0:26:5.200
Rob Jean

0:26:4.660 --> 0:26:5.620
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I mean, rob.

0:26:5.210 --> 0:26:8.700
Rob Jean
While while while he pronounced it Schmid andrina.

0:26:9.810 --> 0:26:10.60
Droege, Sam

0:26:12.860 --> 0:26:14.210
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Just make sure you spell it right.

0:26:14.220 --> 0:26:14.710
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I hope I did.

0:26:14.740 --> 0:26:14.980
Rob Jean

0:26:14.760 --> 0:26:16.80
Maffei, Clare J
But but why?

0:26:17.790 --> 0:26:18.800
Rob Jean
I don't know.

0:26:18.870 --> 0:26:21.260
Rob Jean
Yeah, I think, yeah, I don't know.

0:26:21.270 --> 0:26:24.910
Rob Jean
It shows it like on discover life having a D in the middle.

0:26:27.120 --> 0:26:27.900
Droege, Sam
There could be wrong too.

0:26:29.780 --> 0:26:30.670
Rob Jean
Yeah, it's, it's cool.

0:26:30.100 --> 0:26:32.410
Droege, Sam
Although I think it's automatic, I think it's.

0:26:32.460 --> 0:26:40.790
Droege, Sam
I mean, we're assessing John, who is a spelling freak, his we, uh, his system.

0:26:40.920 --> 0:26:42.480
Droege, Sam
I it's not something we put type in.

0:26:43.600 --> 0:26:44.210
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, I will.

0:26:44.220 --> 0:26:48.370
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I will double check that could be one of the many errors that have crept into this.

0:26:50.160 --> 0:26:55.170
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So are you putting up any species in the enemy, Andreas?

0:26:55.360 --> 0:26:56.40
Mike Arduser (Guest)
OK, great.

0:26:54.680 --> 0:27:8.980
Droege, Sam
Yeah, I've got one here, but I'm just one more second to get it lined up in the scope and I've got a good shot of the basic Tarsis of it here to sync to female and.

0:27:18.90 --> 0:27:19.0
Maffei, Clare J
You're not sharing.

0:27:12.560 --> 0:27:19.30
Droege, Sam
Again, they need to knock the umm lighting back down that cavity.

0:27:20.390 --> 0:27:23.650
Droege, Sam
OK, you're sharing now I'm sharing.

0:27:19.10 --> 0:27:24.0
Maffei, Clare J
I'm sharing now you're sharing or I mean now you're now.

0:27:24.10 --> 0:27:24.720
Maffei, Clare J
I'm not sharing.

0:27:24.730 --> 0:27:25.470
Maffei, Clare J
You're free to share.

0:27:26.180 --> 0:27:29.560
Droege, Sam
OK, I will do that and.

0:27:33.140 --> 0:27:33.780
Droege, Sam
There we go.

0:27:33.530 --> 0:27:36.540
Rob Jean
And I definitely think hurt his think this one.

0:27:36.550 --> 0:27:37.410
Rob Jean
You're gonna find it.

0:27:37.470 --> 0:27:39.260
Rob Jean
Golden Rod, you know.

0:27:39.720 --> 0:27:39.880
Droege, Sam

0:27:42.80 --> 0:27:42.220
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:27:41.970 --> 0:27:48.210
Maffei, Clare J
Also, if you all didn't see it, Elliott posted a beautiful picture of an eminent Drina.

0:27:48.700 --> 0:27:55.360
Maffei, Clare J
Possibly entering a serta from August in New Mexico on Grindelia Flower, which is an aster family.

0:27:54.450 --> 0:27:55.610
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, that's a that's a.

0:27:55.860 --> 0:27:56.850
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's a gorgeous fee.

0:27:59.240 --> 0:28:1.410
Droege, Sam
Yeah, there certainly noticeable.

0:28:3.650 --> 0:28:4.140
Droege, Sam
All right.

0:28:4.910 --> 0:28:6.160
Droege, Sam
Well, I think I have.

0:28:6.210 --> 0:28:7.650
Droege, Sam
I think that's the hind legs, sorry.

0:28:10.190 --> 0:28:16.760
Droege, Sam
And I think I want to angle this a little bit more to a proper you.

0:28:26.880 --> 0:28:31.100
Droege, Sam
All right, that should be the shot.

0:28:33.130 --> 0:28:40.630
Droege, Sam
So is my ohh I need to bring up the cursor but so here's the widened area.

0:28:41.20 --> 0:28:46.490
Droege, Sam
Yeah, the basic Tarsis on it's the middle, uh, middle leg, right?

0:28:45.100 --> 0:28:47.110
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Right, Yep.

0:28:47.250 --> 0:28:47.390
Rob Jean

0:28:49.90 --> 0:28:58.160
Droege, Sam
So I guess we should try and have another one, but they tend to be just really skinny, you know, but not a whole lot wider than the tarsal segments.

0:28:59.130 --> 0:29:0.790
Droege, Sam
And in this it's a wider.

0:29:5.140 --> 0:29:7.180
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, that's not dramatically widened.

0:29:7.370 --> 0:29:11.60
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I think most people are probably thinking that no, so it can be subtle.

0:29:12.0 --> 0:29:14.250
Droege, Sam
Yeah, I can make a Kylie.

0:29:14.260 --> 0:29:19.50
Droege, Sam
You get some of those much wider sort of relative things.

0:29:19.60 --> 0:29:21.920
Droege, Sam
So yeah, I mean, you just have to.

0:29:22.30 --> 0:29:33.600
Droege, Sam
That's the thing with keys is you when when using them you have to be precise like is it white or is it not wider, not is it a whole bunch wider cause it didn't say that.

0:29:44.500 --> 0:29:45.130
Rob Jean
And and all.

0:29:35.910 --> 0:29:48.710
Droege, Sam
And yeah, there's many ways to interpret a key and go down the wrong path, and it it doesn't matter whether it's discover life or a a couple of key.

0:29:49.470 --> 0:29:51.210
Rob Jean
And all of these just take practice.

0:29:51.470 --> 0:29:52.50
Droege, Sam
Working now.

0:29:51.220 --> 0:29:53.270
Rob Jean
Looking at the right thing. So.

0:29:53.300 --> 0:29:53.670
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:29:53.680 --> 0:30:2.290
Mike Arduser (Guest)
The the more enduring it look at the simply the the more all these characters that we're talking about makes sense, just take some time.

0:30:0.610 --> 0:30:6.610
Droege, Sam
Yeah, this is a pretty pretty dirty specimen, but I'll throw it up there.

0:30:6.760 --> 0:30:9.120
Droege, Sam
And was there anything else on the specimen that you wanted to see?

0:30:10.420 --> 0:30:15.200
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Well, look at those tour guides and the the the hair on the margins of the tour guides.

0:30:15.220 --> 0:30:24.480
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Is very extensive and it's conspicuous and fairly unlike most other andrina that have turtle phosa it's pretty dramatic with most of them.

0:30:24.910 --> 0:30:26.770
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Umm, let me bring this.

0:30:28.750 --> 0:30:28.950
Droege, Sam

0:30:29.70 --> 0:30:34.880
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And in in in the field I mean the the bright light on this thing doesn't really do it justice in the field.

0:30:35.10 --> 0:30:37.180
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I mean, it's just this beautiful black and yellow.

0:30:37.580 --> 0:30:39.860
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Amazing, really something.

0:30:39.470 --> 0:30:41.460
Droege, Sam
Yeah, this is in.

0:30:42.180 --> 0:30:45.900
Droege, Sam
I'll darken it a little bit, but the it's also oops the wrong way.

0:30:46.510 --> 0:30:55.270
Droege, Sam
It's also a specimen that's dirty and its own right, and also the I often note that the dark hairs in the legs too.

0:30:55.790 --> 0:30:56.310
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:30:56.320 --> 0:30:57.40
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, exactly.

0:30:59.230 --> 0:31:6.510
Rob Jean
Andrina new Bakula and canadensis can be fairly commander regular again.

0:31:15.960 --> 0:31:19.330
Rob Jean
But the others, I feel you know, are pretty darn rare.

0:31:21.180 --> 0:31:32.970
Droege, Sam
Let's go to the Andrina guide and we can look at see if there's anything reason to comment about enemies and we're going to actually, we're already there.

0:31:34.310 --> 0:31:38.700
Droege, Sam
So and this is Eastern, has these four.

0:31:39.660 --> 0:31:41.810
Droege, Sam
Uh, yeah, this is an interesting one.

0:31:41.820 --> 0:31:43.990
Droege, Sam
This runs sin not run.

0:31:44.0 --> 0:31:48.770
Droege, Sam
Sonoda, and that's one that I is that a the sales specialist.

0:31:50.930 --> 0:31:54.690
Rob Jean
Well, and I and Robert valences might may both be valid.

0:31:55.650 --> 0:31:56.330
Droege, Sam
Uh, OK.

0:31:56.690 --> 0:31:57.920
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, they they are.

0:31:58.810 --> 0:32:7.530
Mike Arduser (Guest)
At least in, you know, in Jason the visa Manitoba and then they the upcoming Benjamin Minnesota Robert balances is considered valid valid species.

0:32:6.90 --> 0:32:8.800
Rob Jean
And and and and and Laura.

0:32:8.190 --> 0:32:8.830
Droege, Sam
OK so.

0:32:9.150 --> 0:32:12.70
Rob Jean
Laura has specimens of both from the Great Lakes also.

0:32:13.460 --> 0:32:13.830
Droege, Sam

0:32:13.840 --> 0:32:17.50
Droege, Sam
And does the bees of Manitoba explain the differences?

0:32:17.60 --> 0:32:19.950
Droege, Sam
Does it give or Michigan or?

0:32:17.770 --> 0:32:20.920
Mike Arduser (Guest)
The IT I?

0:32:20.980 --> 0:32:21.210
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:32:21.220 --> 0:32:26.360
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I think both of them tell you enough that that's helpful.

0:32:30.870 --> 0:32:31.810
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, yeah.

0:32:31.990 --> 0:32:38.870
Droege, Sam
Yeah, right now we have it as Robert, Rubber villains, robber valences as a.

0:32:40.190 --> 0:32:44.610
Droege, Sam
Synonym of run Sanada, which neither of which I see at all.

0:32:45.50 --> 0:32:45.330
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:32:46.330 --> 0:32:46.920
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:32:46.110 --> 0:32:48.700
Rob Jean
That's what Asher thought originally.

0:32:57.30 --> 0:32:57.300
Droege, Sam

0:33:1.240 --> 0:33:3.110
Rob Jean
And it seems like they should be for the east.

0:33:1.510 --> 0:33:3.920
Droege, Sam
Ohh we have ohh we have it.

0:33:3.990 --> 0:33:5.500
Droege, Sam
We just have Massachusetts.

0:33:4.580 --> 0:33:6.740
Rob Jean
Ohh, just message, that's fine yeah.

0:33:5.510 --> 0:33:9.700
Droege, Sam
Let's go to all the east of the Mississippi.

0:33:10.770 --> 0:33:12.640
Droege, Sam
And huh.

0:33:12.680 --> 0:33:14.90
Droege, Sam
Why did it become fewer?

0:33:14.760 --> 0:33:18.930
Rob Jean
I would still medicines, there we go.

0:33:19.990 --> 0:33:20.420
Droege, Sam

0:33:20.430 --> 0:33:22.900
Droege, Sam
And yeah, there's yeah, those are.

0:33:22.910 --> 0:33:25.420
Droege, Sam
That's a list of very uncommon things.

0:33:36.30 --> 0:33:36.490
Droege, Sam
I don't see.

0:33:37.320 --> 0:33:39.840
Rob Jean
And parnassia may be like Lakeshore type.

0:33:42.640 --> 0:33:46.590
Droege, Sam
Ah, you mean outside of being on grass?

0:33:57.350 --> 0:34:0.420
Droege, Sam
But what was? What was the pollen plant it was on?

0:34:4.610 --> 0:34:5.910
Mike Arduser (Guest)
The yeah, it.

0:34:5.920 --> 0:34:7.470
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's it's furnace, yeah.

0:34:3.20 --> 0:34:8.570
Rob Jean
I honestly I can't remember off the top of my head, so I did is a.

0:34:14.940 --> 0:34:15.880
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yep, Yep.

0:34:8.480 --> 0:34:20.510
Droege, Sam
OK, yeah, they cause permanencia often occurs in seeps on cliffs and so being on a Lakeshore, particularly a Great Lakes, would make sense that there would be.

0:34:31.380 --> 0:34:33.300
Droege, Sam
Yeah, alright.

0:34:32.620 --> 0:34:34.430
Rob Jean
And and Peckham Peckham.

0:34:37.680 --> 0:34:37.890
Droege, Sam

0:34:36.700 --> 0:34:40.360
Rob Jean
Probably I think it's more Northerns.

0:34:39.60 --> 0:34:43.140
Droege, Sam
And and is it a specialist on any plant?

0:34:46.420 --> 0:34:48.730
Droege, Sam
OK. Yeah.

0:34:51.290 --> 0:34:52.150
Mike Arduser (Guest)
But you know something?

0:34:52.160 --> 0:35:1.110
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There's these are peccavi, umm, and from the balances and runs and audio just very easy. Confused.

0:35:1.120 --> 0:35:3.830
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I mean, those are those are three very tricky species.

0:35:5.470 --> 0:35:7.180
Droege, Sam
Umm OK.

0:35:4.220 --> 0:35:10.540
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I think in both sexes that they're not in good shape in no.

0:35:10.840 --> 0:35:19.100
Rob Jean
And it goes by, you know, trying to separate them out by how parallel the eyes are, which is takes a lot of practice dye looking at.

0:35:22.200 --> 0:35:22.810
Droege, Sam

0:35:23.0 --> 0:35:23.870
Droege, Sam
I'm not lying.

0:35:24.40 --> 0:35:31.400
Droege, Sam
I'm wondering why run Sonata disappeared when we got rid of Massachusetts.

0:35:31.490 --> 0:35:33.350
Droege, Sam
OK, something to to look at there.

0:35:36.860 --> 0:35:39.370
Droege, Sam
All right, I'm clear.

0:35:46.500 --> 0:35:46.860
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:35:51.170 --> 0:35:52.120
Maffei, Clare J
OK, here you go.

0:35:50.730 --> 0:35:56.760
Rob Jean
I think to to I think two of the Schnee Andrina that you run across that are really easy to confuse.

0:36:7.210 --> 0:36:7.500
Droege, Sam

0:36:7.510 --> 0:36:8.660
Droege, Sam
I don't see canadensis.

0:36:8.670 --> 0:36:12.240
Droege, Sam
I do see here to sync to our nebula very regularly.

0:36:12.250 --> 0:36:14.430
Droege, Sam
That's probably the most common in Maryland.

0:36:13.870 --> 0:36:15.760
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, same here and same in Missouri.

0:36:21.790 --> 0:36:23.450
Mike Arduser (Guest)
OK, couple at 9:00 AM.

0:36:23.990 --> 0:36:25.130
Mike Arduser (Guest)
This is an interesting one.

0:36:27.550 --> 0:36:27.880
Rob Jean

0:36:27.320 --> 0:36:31.510
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Again, this is the sub genus that only in the east only has one species in it.

0:36:31.580 --> 0:36:33.830
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I'm trying to think if there any out West timer henna can't.

0:36:33.840 --> 0:36:34.590
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I don't think so.

0:36:35.260 --> 0:36:42.190
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So this is Jenny Andrew and Sarah Breda and this used to be considered one of the rarest andrina in the whole country.

0:36:42.880 --> 0:36:48.10
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Umm, I had never seen it except in these a few specimens in museums.

0:36:48.760 --> 0:36:53.360
Mike Arduser (Guest)
But in recent years, umm people are finding it.

0:36:53.730 --> 0:36:56.580
Mike Arduser (Guest)
We found it in the middle of Saint Louis downtown Saint Louis.

0:36:57.420 --> 0:36:57.810
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:37:5.540 --> 0:37:16.810
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I mean, it's just weird, but the females are in general looked like a, you know, your basic andrina they do have the pronotal Ridge and humoral angle.

0:37:17.800 --> 0:37:21.830
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Uh, but one of the odd things about this species, Sarah.

0:37:21.840 --> 0:37:46.350
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Grade A is the scutum is pretty much hairless, even in very fresh specimens it's not a result of wear or aging of the bee that they're just there just aren't hairs and that's almost all other endrina that I could pick of have some amount of pairs, conspicuous hairs on the skew them unless you know they are very old and everything gets worn off.

0:37:46.450 --> 0:38:18.960
Mike Arduser (Guest)
But in this in server right other that's outstanding feature and again the property of corbicula is incomplete but the upper portion of it the top port, the dorsal part and the posterior part very thick, very dense and very it's stands out as a very prominent proportial curricula, facial phobia which we we talked about a whole lot, but are quite narrow in this in Andrea, Sarah, Breda.

0:38:19.520 --> 0:38:26.900
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And there are other areas that have narrow facial fobia as well, but it's always again stands out with this species.

0:38:32.340 --> 0:38:33.110
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, I can't remember.

0:38:33.120 --> 0:38:35.90
Mike Arduser (Guest)
We look at those last week, but it'd be good.

0:38:37.40 --> 0:38:38.280
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, it would be good to look at those.

0:38:39.480 --> 0:38:42.380
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So people get an idea of the variation in facial phobia.

0:38:54.940 --> 0:38:57.810
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Scott. Scalpel hairs.

0:38:57.870 --> 0:38:58.10
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:38:59.620 --> 0:38:59.940
Rob Jean

0:38:59.660 --> 0:39:1.250
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, you can't see the integument.

0:38:57.260 --> 0:39:2.110
Droege, Sam
It's like, what is this, you know? Yeah.

0:39:1.260 --> 0:39:3.760
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I mean, the hair is the scope of hairs are just poop.

0:39:4.520 --> 0:39:5.960
Droege, Sam
It's like melissodes or something.

0:39:6.830 --> 0:39:6.930
Rob Jean

0:39:11.390 --> 0:39:13.420
Droege, Sam
Do we know anything about the pollen use?

0:39:13.350 --> 0:39:22.430
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, I was gonna mention there is increasing evidence that it's the could be a specialist on Philadelphus.

0:39:23.910 --> 0:39:24.450
Droege, Sam
No way.

0:39:23.400 --> 0:39:24.570
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Uh, I think Michael.

0:39:28.970 --> 0:39:29.180
Droege, Sam

0:39:24.960 --> 0:39:29.550
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, I think Michael Yushin is collected a bunch this spring, I think, and I don't.

0:39:29.720 --> 0:39:35.110
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I'm sorry, Mike, if it's somebody else, but I think it was you that I found him on.

0:39:35.120 --> 0:39:36.720
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Collecting pollen from Philadelphia.

0:39:37.130 --> 0:39:41.60
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Now I don't know anymore than that whether it's a native one down in Georgia or what.

0:39:41.430 --> 0:39:47.270
Mike Arduser (Guest)
But and in Saint Louis, the ones we found, the Saint Louis were in a yard that had Philadelphus blue.

0:39:48.270 --> 0:39:48.680
Mike Arduser (Guest)
They weren't.

0:39:48.90 --> 0:39:50.600
Droege, Sam
Hmm, great.

0:39:48.690 --> 0:39:53.170
Mike Arduser (Guest)
They weren't on it, but so the evidence that circumstantial.

0:39:53.180 --> 0:40:4.680
Mike Arduser (Guest)
But it you know to me that's if you have Philadelphia, especially in it in any kind of setting, it's it's worth looking at you know we have go ahead.

0:40:2.580 --> 0:40:9.410
Droege, Sam
Was my we're mikes Philadelphus the native one or the non native one.

0:40:9.370 --> 0:40:10.260
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's what I don't know.

0:40:11.210 --> 0:40:11.590
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I don't know.

0:40:11.170 --> 0:40:16.440
Droege, Sam
My impression is that the native one in the east is really uncommon.

0:40:16.690 --> 0:40:18.240
Droege, Sam
Like you know, it's a.

0:40:18.370 --> 0:40:20.960
Droege, Sam
It's supposed to be around, but you know you never hear of, like.

0:40:20.970 --> 0:40:21.680
Droege, Sam
Well, I was.

0:40:21.750 --> 0:40:25.840
Droege, Sam
I saw some Philadelphia's today, you know, it's just not not there.

0:40:25.850 --> 0:40:41.520
Droege, Sam
And like the mystery of the Chellaston MMA Philadelphia, which certainly is on the mock orange that everyone planted years ago but also shows up just in places where there is no mock orange.

0:40:42.60 --> 0:40:42.200
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:40:42.590 --> 0:40:46.130
Droege, Sam
So yeah, this Philadelphia thing seems odd.

0:40:44.510 --> 0:40:47.90
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So I'll yeah, it does.

0:40:47.100 --> 0:40:52.260
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I'm gonna email Mike after today instance and make sure that I know what I'm talking about.

0:40:53.40 --> 0:40:54.120
Rob Jean
Yeah, that would be interesting.

0:40:53.40 --> 0:40:54.360
Droege, Sam
Yeah, I think he got some.

0:40:55.100 --> 0:40:56.830
Droege, Sam
I think he got some out of the canopy.

0:40:57.240 --> 0:40:58.280
Droege, Sam
Is that? Yeah.

0:40:56.940 --> 0:41:0.0
Mike Arduser (Guest)
You did of the you're a couple years ago. Yeah.

0:41:0.230 --> 0:41:0.740
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I sent those.

0:41:0.740 --> 0:41:0.880
Droege, Sam

0:41:0.460 --> 0:41:3.30
Rob Jean
But that, that's, that's where I've gotten my all mine.

0:41:3.40 --> 0:41:7.100
Rob Jean
As in forest canopy and believe vein traps.

0:41:8.280 --> 0:41:10.520
Droege, Sam
Yeah, right.

0:41:10.610 --> 0:41:10.940
Droege, Sam

0:41:10.950 --> 0:41:12.760
Droege, Sam
And yeah, that's a new frontier.

0:41:16.340 --> 0:41:16.770
Droege, Sam

0:41:15.780 --> 0:41:18.810
Mike Arduser (Guest)
OK, facial phobia? Umm.

0:41:21.460 --> 0:41:25.800
Mike Arduser (Guest)
The one on the left and you can see the antenna escape.

0:41:26.760 --> 0:41:33.60
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And then there's that kind of a dark, narrow shadow looking thing along the margin of the eye.

0:41:33.70 --> 0:41:42.900
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's facial phobia and incredibly variable and andreina females, and that's that one would qualify as being narrow.

0:41:44.350 --> 0:41:54.440
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Some of them are two or even three times that width and occupy much more of that space between the base of the antenna and the margin of the eye.

0:42:0.640 --> 0:42:0.930
Droege, Sam

0:41:54.530 --> 0:42:7.90
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And that's usually the standard way of measuring the width of the phobia is how much space does it occupy relative to the distance between the phobia and the base of the antenna.

0:42:7.830 --> 0:42:10.680
Droege, Sam
Mike, I'm you might wanna clarify a little bit here.

0:42:10.540 --> 0:42:10.720
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:42:10.690 --> 0:42:16.400
Droege, Sam
I think you said the dark area and I think this is probably a track endrina.

0:42:17.350 --> 0:42:17.670
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:42:16.410 --> 0:42:20.880
Droege, Sam
So there's I think the dark area is actually a space between the eye and the fovea.

0:42:22.130 --> 0:42:22.870
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:42:20.890 --> 0:42:27.160
Droege, Sam
And the fovea is pretty clear as just the the pale, pale, oppressed hairs.

0:42:26.580 --> 0:42:28.230
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Ohh OK yeah, I see it.

0:42:27.680 --> 0:42:28.300
Droege, Sam
I mean it.

0:42:28.540 --> 0:42:28.870
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:42:28.880 --> 0:42:29.350
Mike Arduser (Guest)
No, you're right.

0:42:28.370 --> 0:42:29.900
Droege, Sam
He takes such good pictures.

0:42:30.300 --> 0:42:30.870
Mike Arduser (Guest)
No, you're right.

0:42:30.30 --> 0:42:32.0
Droege, Sam
He takes such good pictures that you don't.

0:42:32.690 --> 0:42:35.930
Droege, Sam
You know you that we're not used to looking at something so clear.

0:42:36.360 --> 0:42:36.990
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's you.

0:42:37.0 --> 0:42:38.160
Mike Arduser (Guest)
You are completely right.

0:42:38.870 --> 0:42:40.220
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Uh, yeah.

0:42:40.740 --> 0:42:40.900
Droege, Sam

0:42:40.330 --> 0:42:41.350
Mike Arduser (Guest)
OK, forget everything.

0:42:41.360 --> 0:42:42.360
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I most of what I said.

0:42:43.60 --> 0:42:45.220
Droege, Sam
So, Claire, can you outline the phobia?

0:42:46.220 --> 0:42:48.450
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's those narrow, short hairs.

0:42:49.870 --> 0:42:53.140
Rob Jean
And this one's actually wider above, and then really narrows below.

0:42:52.820 --> 0:42:53.330
Droege, Sam

0:42:53.740 --> 0:42:55.630
Droege, Sam
So umm.

0:42:53.890 --> 0:42:55.780
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, we'll we'll talk about this.

0:42:55.870 --> 0:42:57.680
Mike Arduser (Guest)
This is this is a unique case.

0:42:57.730 --> 0:43:0.530
Mike Arduser (Guest)
This there's a subgenus that that has a phobia.

0:43:3.540 --> 0:43:3.700
Droege, Sam

0:43:0.540 --> 0:43:4.460
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's like this narrow below and broadened above, but.

0:43:8.50 --> 0:43:11.390
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Normal Yep.

0:43:4.560 --> 0:43:15.590
Droege, Sam
And the one on the right is more the non track endrina general case of narrow and look at the gap between the internal base and that fovea.

0:43:16.20 --> 0:43:16.810
Droege, Sam
And that's what end.

0:43:16.820 --> 0:43:17.730
Droege, Sam
Discover life guys.

0:43:19.620 --> 0:43:19.810
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:43:17.740 --> 0:43:47.370
Droege, Sam
That's generally our measurement tool, which is the the fossa, in other words, the whole that the antenna goes through and you compare the resulting distance between that fossa and the fovea to determine fat or thin, and also sometimes when you're working with track andrina the distance to the eye, but mostly it's the and things that are not track endrina.

0:43:47.480 --> 0:43:53.680
Droege, Sam
So track andrina scavenges out some of the, umm, the edge.

0:43:53.750 --> 0:43:56.200
Droege, Sam
In other words, it doesn't get that close to the eye.

0:43:56.210 --> 0:44:3.850
Droege, Sam
Most of the others tend towards being next to the eye and away from the the antenna base.

0:44:9.240 --> 0:44:17.410
Droege, Sam
And that the other thing to look at, which is not visible here, is if you follow the fovea up, it remains narrow.

0:44:17.760 --> 0:44:31.630
Droege, Sam
And what Mike was describing for Sarah Brada, and it widens out like you can see up here is more of a typical case where it's relatively thick below and then it gets even wider above.

0:44:32.140 --> 0:44:38.330
Droege, Sam
And in Cerebrata, it's probably pretty uniformly narrow all the way up would be my guess right.

0:44:38.400 --> 0:44:38.780
Droege, Sam
Right, Mike?

0:44:39.350 --> 0:44:39.460
Rob Jean

0:44:38.370 --> 0:44:41.590
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yep, Yep, it there's no change in in width.

0:44:41.990 --> 0:44:42.180
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:44:42.130 --> 0:44:42.290
Droege, Sam

0:44:42.190 --> 0:44:43.890
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's a very relatively narrow.

0:44:45.320 --> 0:44:47.240
Droege, Sam
I originea is like that too.

0:44:45.430 --> 0:44:48.860
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So yes, Yep, yeah.

0:44:53.110 --> 0:44:57.610
Rob Jean
I think I actually a lot of the schnitman andrina have the narrow phobia too.

0:45:1.280 --> 0:45:1.590
Droege, Sam
Would be.

0:45:5.560 --> 0:45:9.270
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So this is the case where the I mean the species characters.

0:45:9.380 --> 0:45:10.190
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Sarah. Breda.

0:45:10.730 --> 0:45:14.290
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I mean, that's kind of the same as the subgenus.

0:45:14.300 --> 0:45:14.950
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There's only.

0:45:15.500 --> 0:45:19.550
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That's it was like it was like layer and you're in a Miserables.

0:45:19.850 --> 0:45:22.340
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There's a subgenus, but it's only contains the one species.

0:45:23.320 --> 0:45:24.500
Droege, Sam
That's like me. Apologize.

0:45:24.710 --> 0:45:26.890
Rob Jean
And when you have the mail, it's so distinctive.

0:45:25.300 --> 0:45:26.990
Maffei, Clare J
So Sam, did you have anything you want that?

0:45:27.500 --> 0:45:28.380
Maffei, Clare J
Ohh sorry you go wrong.

0:45:27.730 --> 0:45:28.680
Droege, Sam
I don't have.

0:45:28.790 --> 0:45:29.220
Droege, Sam
I didn't.

0:45:29.270 --> 0:45:32.320
Droege, Sam
I didn't have a Sarah Brata on hand.

0:45:32.930 --> 0:45:36.640
Droege, Sam
It's it's on the list and so are pictures, which would be really nice.

0:45:38.750 --> 0:45:39.620
Rob Jean
We can make that happen.

0:45:40.550 --> 0:45:52.560
Droege, Sam
And yeah, anyone who has pictures of any of these things, we're really happy to host them on discover life and that would be obviously useful to everyone because this is a visually unique looking species.

0:46:2.180 --> 0:46:3.350
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Oh wow.

0:45:59.360 --> 0:46:3.640
Rob Jean
Yeah, the the mail in particular like my Mike said, is just so distinctive.

0:46:3.650 --> 0:46:4.870
Rob Jean
You're like, wow.

0:46:4.880 --> 0:46:8.30
Rob Jean
Yeah, you just excited when you see it, so.

0:46:11.780 --> 0:46:14.0
Droege, Sam
All right, I'm well.

0:46:14.10 --> 0:46:16.310
Droege, Sam
Get a prisoner eye on deck here.

0:46:16.90 --> 0:46:16.980
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Oh, good.

0:46:17.590 --> 0:46:18.510
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I'm glad you had one.

0:46:16.320 --> 0:46:20.930
Droege, Sam
As you guys talk, because that's a that's a good and a subtle.

0:46:22.740 --> 0:46:23.130
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:46:23.140 --> 0:46:28.700
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So a couple of 10 uh, this is a case where we need to look, go back and look at the pronotum.

0:46:29.910 --> 0:46:41.850
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And we talked about last week that there's so many modifications, the pronotum, andrina and most of them could be called subtle.

0:46:42.340 --> 0:46:47.390
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And it's only when you really start to see the diversity of pronotal modifications that.

0:46:50.960 --> 0:46:56.390
Mike Arduser (Guest)
That you really start to understand what's the how some of these characters are important and how they're defined.

0:46:56.480 --> 0:46:57.530
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And this is one of them.

0:46:58.140 --> 0:47:2.490
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So this is a another subgenus, whole entering the crescini.

0:47:3.560 --> 0:47:6.920
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Umm, which is the only species in the east.

0:47:7.170 --> 0:47:7.640
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There are.

0:47:7.680 --> 0:47:21.330
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There's A and this is a widespread species with several subspecies, at least the way it's currently understood, and the one in the east is is the typical subspecies andrina kresni cressona.

0:47:21.720 --> 0:47:33.400
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There's one in the Great Plains that just touches Western Missouri, which has reddish orangish legs typically, and that's consensus.

0:47:33.590 --> 0:47:35.240
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And then there's one further out West.

0:47:35.630 --> 0:47:41.880
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So this is a species with a lot of diversity and it's very common.

0:47:42.350 --> 0:47:45.800
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Just to me, at least in the greater Midwest, it's one of the most common andrina.

0:47:46.360 --> 0:47:46.570
Droege, Sam

0:47:46.210 --> 0:47:50.190
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's hard not to find it, and it goes to a lot of different plants.

0:47:50.200 --> 0:47:57.980
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's a spring species, late spring, maybe early summer the most, and it's doesn't have any.

0:47:57.990 --> 0:48:0.960
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It seems to have very few ecological boundaries.

0:48:1.110 --> 0:48:2.440
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's just very common.

0:48:2.750 --> 0:48:4.990
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I don't if you guys see it that way, but wow.

0:48:4.890 --> 0:48:6.210
Rob Jean
Yeah, yeah.

0:48:6.220 --> 0:48:7.830
Rob Jean
Everywhere, all habitats.

0:48:6.310 --> 0:48:9.880
Droege, Sam
Yeah, often in lawns and orchard.

0:48:9.890 --> 0:48:13.550
Droege, Sam
Yeah, you can pretty much find it anywhere, including I think in Woodlands.

0:48:14.0 --> 0:48:14.260
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:48:14.240 --> 0:48:14.400
Rob Jean

0:48:15.610 --> 0:48:27.330
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So the the females, the the dorsoventral Ridge on the side of the pronome it has a unique look and it's not dramatically.

0:48:28.630 --> 0:48:34.710
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There's not a big Ridge sticking out, but it's this what I think of a crease or a pleat, and I don't know if they.

0:48:34.720 --> 0:48:35.810
Mike Arduser (Guest)
If you're going to be able to show that.

0:48:35.230 --> 0:48:35.990
Droege, Sam
Yeah, I've.

0:48:36.70 --> 0:48:36.820
Droege, Sam
I've got it.

0:48:36.870 --> 0:48:37.960
Droege, Sam
I've got it up now.

0:48:38.210 --> 0:48:38.470
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:48:38.50 --> 0:48:39.670
Droege, Sam
If Claire, you wanna swap?

0:48:41.660 --> 0:48:42.10
Maffei, Clare J

0:48:43.480 --> 0:48:45.930
Droege, Sam
OK, let's do that.

0:48:47.140 --> 0:48:52.550
Droege, Sam
And because it is subtle, I'll try and get another specimen up to you'll see.

0:48:52.680 --> 0:48:56.620
Droege, Sam
You can see it and then do you see it and?

0:48:56.370 --> 0:49:0.470
Maffei, Clare J
David said way earlier in the chat that he's ready to go all in on the pronotal characters.

0:49:0.840 --> 0:49:1.410
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:49:1.850 --> 0:49:2.20
Rob Jean

0:49:1.170 --> 0:49:2.180
Droege, Sam
Alright, good.

0:49:2.780 --> 0:49:3.370
Droege, Sam
Alright so.

0:49:3.540 --> 0:49:6.860
David Cappaert (Guest)
If you could tell me the difference between weak and absence.

0:49:9.750 --> 0:49:10.300
Maffei, Clare J
Uh, see?

0:49:8.740 --> 0:49:10.360
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, that.

0:49:8.720 --> 0:49:10.480
Droege, Sam
Alright, well here's here's week.

0:49:12.210 --> 0:49:16.510
Droege, Sam
Well, here's a week Ridge versus you know it.

0:49:16.610 --> 0:49:22.100
Droege, Sam
Yeah, when you start looking for the little corners, then it becomes more difficult too.

0:49:22.110 --> 0:49:26.420
Droege, Sam
And I'll usually when you get a specimen, discover life.

0:49:26.430 --> 0:49:41.740
Droege, Sam
If we've if we've umm scored it for week, we've also scored it for absent just because you don't want it's so hard to see sometimes that it's easy to call something.

0:49:42.580 --> 0:49:47.650
Droege, Sam
Uh, either way absent and when it actually could be weak.

0:49:47.700 --> 0:49:50.280
Droege, Sam
So usually we do something like that for both.

0:49:52.360 --> 0:49:52.500
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:49:52.100 --> 0:50:0.890
Droege, Sam
All right, so here is Chris Onii and here is this this Ridge running down and I'll try and get other shots.

0:50:1.220 --> 0:50:4.240
Droege, Sam
Maybe I don't know if I can change the.

0:50:4.520 --> 0:50:4.760
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:50:4.320 --> 0:50:5.790
Droege, Sam
Let's see what happens when I turn the.

0:50:6.370 --> 0:50:7.70
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Break the head up.

0:50:6.890 --> 0:50:7.980
Droege, Sam
Yeah, yeah.

0:50:10.110 --> 0:50:10.480
Droege, Sam

0:50:11.700 --> 0:50:22.750
Droege, Sam
I certainly have pitched a million of these specimens out over the years, but I don't know if I can get it ready for this kind of viewing.

0:50:22.980 --> 0:50:25.400
Droege, Sam
Alright, so there it is.

0:50:25.520 --> 0:50:28.40
Droege, Sam
I'm gonna try another shot so that people can see it.

0:50:28.50 --> 0:50:28.440
Droege, Sam
It is.

0:50:28.530 --> 0:50:30.380
Droege, Sam
It's almost a Gimme character.

0:50:31.140 --> 0:50:31.480
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:50:42.590 --> 0:50:42.920
Rob Jean

0:50:44.820 --> 0:50:45.0
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:50:30.670 --> 0:50:50.700
Droege, Sam
When I see something that looks like that, I look for this very subtle Ridge and I then I might just confirm looking at the I look at the labrum and then the proposal triangle is very is relatively narrow too, and lots of pits on the find the trick gates.

0:50:52.560 --> 0:50:52.980
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, there.

0:50:52.370 --> 0:51:1.350
Maffei, Clare J
I also asked it also the Triquetral floccus based on Discover Life Grisoni has an incomplete cricketer.

0:51:1.980 --> 0:51:3.70
Maffei, Clare J
Doctor Cantrell, focus.

0:51:3.80 --> 0:51:11.540
Maffei, Clare J
While Will Kela has a complete one, but I has trouble with those two features, especially since can never get a good look at the dorsal ventral Ridge.

0:51:13.650 --> 0:51:15.10
Mike Arduser (Guest)
What was the other species you mention?

0:51:15.550 --> 0:51:16.90
Rob Jean

0:51:15.700 --> 0:51:16.280
Maffei, Clare J
Will Keller.

0:51:16.650 --> 0:51:17.600
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Ohh yeah.

0:51:18.330 --> 0:51:28.420
Rob Jean
Yeah, well, tell that has that has the flattened clippies which will will help separate it some, but it's also a A dollar B But yeah.

0:51:26.190 --> 0:51:30.210
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And it's it's a summer bee, and congressional is not there.

0:51:28.640 --> 0:51:31.40
Droege, Sam
Yeah, right.

0:51:30.330 --> 0:51:31.400
Mike Arduser (Guest)
They fly at different times.

0:51:32.240 --> 0:51:32.480
Droege, Sam

0:51:32.490 --> 0:51:36.30
Droege, Sam
If I see something and it's, I go.

0:51:36.200 --> 0:51:38.140
Droege, Sam
Ohh what is that?

0:51:39.380 --> 0:51:42.410
Droege, Sam
Because there's a bunch of bees that have lots of pits on their abdomen.

0:51:42.800 --> 0:51:44.100
Droege, Sam
And then I look and see.

0:51:44.110 --> 0:51:47.250
Droege, Sam
Ohh it's June or July I go like that has to be will Keller.

0:51:47.260 --> 0:51:52.800
Droege, Sam
And then I look for the property for the Laboral process.

0:51:53.560 --> 0:52:0.250
Droege, Sam
And yeah, it's and then hopefully the flattened Clippy is, which is a little subtle.

0:51:58.880 --> 0:52:1.770
Rob Jean
And then a lot of times we'll kill our a lot of times we'll kill.

0:52:1.780 --> 0:52:3.490
Rob Jean
Will have the the red and legs too.

0:52:3.500 --> 0:52:5.720
Rob Jean
I know that can happen in Cressona too, but.

0:52:4.210 --> 0:52:14.950
Droege, Sam
Ohh true yeah and I'm not sure if the red and legs really warrants a subspecies or is just a a variant.

0:52:14.960 --> 0:52:18.880
Droege, Sam
I mean, do you guys think it's actually a molecularly different thing?

0:52:24.960 --> 0:52:25.350
Rob Jean
Same here.

0:52:19.560 --> 0:52:32.940
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I I see the red legs in specimens from Ohio from Tennessee all over the place, but but once you get into extreme western Missouri and eastern Kansas, the red legs 100%.

0:52:34.140 --> 0:52:35.130
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So I don't sell.

0:52:34.320 --> 0:52:36.790
Droege, Sam
I mean, they're all they all have a red lakes.

0:52:35.580 --> 0:52:36.990
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

0:52:37.60 --> 0:52:38.270
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So there's something going on.

0:52:41.720 --> 0:52:43.370
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, I should know more than that, but I don't.

0:52:43.420 --> 0:52:47.960
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So it's one of those things I the on the list to work on more the more detail.

0:52:48.590 --> 0:52:49.650
Droege, Sam
Right, so many.

0:52:51.840 --> 0:52:52.500
Droege, Sam
All right, I've got.

0:52:52.390 --> 0:52:53.560
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Ohh hey there you go.

0:52:53.660 --> 0:52:54.10
Mike Arduser (Guest)
There you go.

0:52:57.590 --> 0:52:57.730
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:52:59.290 --> 0:53:0.200
Rob Jean
Ash, that's better.

0:52:54.570 --> 0:53:2.890
Droege, Sam
I've got another slightly different angle here, but it's just barely so here.

0:53:2.900 --> 0:53:12.320
Droege, Sam
The head has so just to Orient people with my cursor which is not showing up very well here, I'll have to increase it.

0:53:12.330 --> 0:53:22.880
Droege, Sam
So me and the bold, the heads, the heads pointing towards the screen, and here's this subtle line that you know, again, it's not this really strong Ridge.

0:53:31.0 --> 0:53:32.470
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, that's a good job. That's.

0:53:22.960 --> 0:53:34.640
Droege, Sam
It's not really super well defined, but it is there, so sadly that's that's the that's the character.

0:53:42.920 --> 0:53:43.930
Rob Jean
And the short.

0:53:37.980 --> 0:53:44.270
Droege, Sam
All right, so take it away with other other things about that and I'll umm increase the.

0:53:43.530 --> 0:53:49.940
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Well, yeah, again, it's just it's if you're out collecting, you know, in the you're this bee is going to be one of the things you collect.

0:53:50.20 --> 0:53:51.710
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's it's, it's that common.

0:53:51.870 --> 0:54:4.610
Mike Arduser (Guest)
The males have a very lot of yellow on the face, but usually the clypeus is completely pale yellow and the periocular areas are also yellow, so we'll get to mails later on.

0:54:5.980 --> 0:54:8.950
Mike Arduser (Guest)
But most andrina mails don't have yellow on the face.

0:54:9.220 --> 0:54:10.190
Mike Arduser (Guest)
But this is one of the word.

0:54:10.200 --> 0:54:14.490
Mike Arduser (Guest)
It's got a ton of it and it's very, very conspicuous.

0:54:13.990 --> 0:54:15.350
Rob Jean
And my my cheeks.

0:54:12.730 --> 0:54:18.770
Droege, Sam
Ant and yeah, and you can get plenty of examples.

0:54:18.780 --> 0:54:23.20
Droege, Sam
You know, like one out of 100, where there's big brown splotches in the middle.

0:54:23.920 --> 0:54:24.480
Droege, Sam

0:54:22.950 --> 0:54:24.930
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yep, Yep, Yep. Yeah.

0:54:24.550 --> 0:54:29.710
Droege, Sam
And the and the the mount and the pair ocular area is pretty variable sometimes too.

0:54:30.10 --> 0:54:30.130
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:54:32.10 --> 0:54:35.740
Rob Jean
I have a couple from Pennsylvania that have a completely dark clipeus.

0:54:36.250 --> 0:54:38.20
Rob Jean
So it's it's.

0:54:38.110 --> 0:54:53.180
Rob Jean
Yeah, some weird ones, but I think the combination of the you know, the the short label process, the pump tape terabytes or pitted terabytes and then that uh prenatal area is pretty distinctive with it.

0:54:54.220 --> 0:54:59.170
Droege, Sam
Yeah, the MACRA can be something.

0:54:59.180 --> 0:55:4.340
Droege, Sam
And if you're in the South, so basically Maryland and the South, maybe Missouri, I don't know.

0:55:4.350 --> 0:55:5.350
Droege, Sam
Do you have Macron, Missouri?

0:55:5.820 --> 0:55:6.450
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, we do.

0:55:6.500 --> 0:55:7.960
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Very rare, but it's here, yeah.

0:55:8.40 --> 0:55:8.580
Droege, Sam

0:55:7.850 --> 0:55:9.230
Rob Jean
And we have in southern Indiana.

0:55:8.630 --> 0:55:14.730
Droege, Sam
So that the IT has a much stronger Ridge here, but it kind of falls out.

0:55:14.740 --> 0:55:27.870
Droege, Sam
But then you look at the tibial spurs and it's got a really give away because the hind, umm, one of the hind tibial spurs is twisted and it's real distinct.

0:55:27.880 --> 0:55:31.460
Droege, Sam
But again, you know it's one of those things.

0:55:31.470 --> 0:55:36.850
Droege, Sam
If you're going through it quickly and it making assumptions, you could roll out of MACRA under the Cressoni bus.

0:55:41.270 --> 0:55:43.830
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Well, Sam's only about four minutes left, so maybe we.

0:55:43.580 --> 0:55:43.960
Droege, Sam

0:55:43.440 --> 0:55:44.910
Maffei, Clare J
Because that was some real inside baseball.

0:55:45.870 --> 0:55:49.220
Droege, Sam
Alright, well, maybe I'll show because we're just on it.

0:55:55.600 --> 0:55:55.840
Mike Arduser (Guest)

0:55:49.990 --> 0:55:59.180
Droege, Sam
Show like the Laboral process, which is pretty I think thin and wide.

0:55:58.840 --> 0:55:59.250
Maffei, Clare J
Thank you.

0:55:59.260 --> 0:56:1.400
Maffei, Clare J
Bonnie just asked to see the short label process.

0:56:1.980 --> 0:56:2.450
Droege, Sam
So there we go.

0:56:6.80 --> 0:56:7.450
Rob Jean
Sam Sam's here to serve.

0:56:6.110 --> 0:56:9.230
Droege, Sam
And yeah, exactly.

0:56:9.240 --> 0:56:10.50
Droege, Sam
We're public servants.

0:56:19.30 --> 0:56:20.430
Droege, Sam
I can find the thing.

0:56:21.420 --> 0:56:22.510
Rob Jean
Yeah, that's not it yet.

0:56:23.380 --> 0:56:26.210
Droege, Sam
No, there it is skin.

0:56:29.10 --> 0:56:31.70
Droege, Sam
At this lag time.

0:56:35.590 --> 0:56:36.430
Droege, Sam
Nope, I'm going the wrong way.

0:56:40.740 --> 0:56:41.380
Droege, Sam
Alright, am I?

0:56:48.70 --> 0:56:49.670
Droege, Sam
Alright, we're close.

0:56:49.680 --> 0:56:50.480
Droege, Sam
Got an antenna?

0:56:55.750 --> 0:57:0.500
Droege, Sam
And I'd good thing I'm not a surgeon, OK?

0:57:1.210 --> 0:57:1.570
Rob Jean
There we go.

0:57:2.840 --> 0:57:3.890
Droege, Sam
We like am I.

0:57:3.960 --> 0:57:6.160
Droege, Sam
Is that the vein or not?

0:57:6.620 --> 0:57:13.380
Droege, Sam
So here, here's the labrum, and it's it's just always like bare or label process.

0:57:13.390 --> 0:57:18.750
Droege, Sam
It's always barely coming out and it's rather wide and shallow and it's entire.

0:57:20.350 --> 0:57:27.30
Droege, Sam
So we'll Kela would have a quite a bidentate tooth on that that totally separates it out.

0:57:27.890 --> 0:57:44.590
Droege, Sam
Umm, so I can also flip here in the last minute to what I think is another sort of like ohh yes, the proposal triangle is pretty narrow too, which is narrow than most of the species.

0:57:51.430 --> 0:57:53.480
Droege, Sam
And it you can see it's got lots of pits.

0:57:53.490 --> 0:57:59.100
Droege, Sam
It's very heavily pitted, but there's several several species that have that.

0:58:1.760 --> 0:58:10.690
Droege, Sam
But in terms of like just confirming that's those are the things I look for is, let me move that triangle a little bit interior here.

0:58:19.370 --> 0:58:21.760
Droege, Sam
And there's, uh, striations throughout.

0:58:24.500 --> 0:58:26.370
Droege, Sam
Maybe a little goopy back there, but.

0:58:31.290 --> 0:58:40.600
Droege, Sam
And see it's, it's just not so it's relatively narrow and it's not well defined with striations as a lot of other endrina are.

0:58:40.610 --> 0:58:49.540
Droege, Sam
It's just sort of a A it's full, but it's meaning complete to the edge, but it's not.

0:58:50.30 --> 0:58:55.270
Droege, Sam
You would be hard pressed to find any individual character within there.

0:58:55.280 --> 0:59:0.680
Droege, Sam
It's just a field of bumps and wiggles technical term.

0:59:2.900 --> 0:59:3.340
Droege, Sam

0:59:5.750 --> 0:59:6.360
Maffei, Clare J
Looking good.

0:59:7.60 --> 0:59:7.720
Droege, Sam
Right. So.

0:59:7.740 --> 0:59:8.900
Maffei, Clare J
We got through one more page.

0:59:10.470 --> 0:59:11.50
Maffei, Clare J
Not quite.

0:59:11.660 --> 0:59:11.920
Droege, Sam

0:59:11.410 --> 0:59:13.660
Maffei, Clare J
Yeah, we got, we got through a couple.

0:59:14.720 --> 0:59:14.960
Droege, Sam

0:59:14.290 --> 0:59:18.230
Rob Jean
Be ready for till angina the TTILPTIL.

0:59:20.680 --> 0:59:21.100
Droege, Sam
All right.

0:59:21.240 --> 0:59:21.970
Maffei, Clare J
The whole class.

0:59:23.870 --> 0:59:24.480
Droege, Sam
All right.

0:59:24.80 --> 0:59:25.930
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Any any questions?

0:59:24.570 --> 0:59:27.10
Droege, Sam
Any other questions or anything? Yeah.

0:59:29.480 --> 0:59:32.50
Maffei, Clare J
Nothing in the chat right now you can unmute if you have something.

0:59:33.950 --> 0:59:36.420
Droege, Sam
I think we're demonstrating that it's tricky.

0:59:37.800 --> 0:59:39.40
Droege, Sam
Just with the first.

0:59:39.200 --> 1:0:7.220
Droege, Sam
You know, we haven't even got that far in, but there's actually and I would say though, there's actually a lot of characters in andrina and in and you will see that reflected and say the Discover life keys, there's all these characters and the The thing is in discover life cases, you never wanna guess because it's so easy to get something wrong.

1:0:7.230 --> 1:0:11.240
Droege, Sam
So if you're not comfortable, there are a bunch of characters I almost never use.

1:0:11.670 --> 1:0:15.200
Droege, Sam
There that are good characters in other people prefer them.

1:0:20.30 --> 1:0:38.110
Droege, Sam
Go to another one and there's many with all the characters available, there's often several avenues to the correct answer, so another way to, in addition to looking up in Mitchell and some of the other revisions, would be to try a different set of characters and see if you come up with the same answer.

1:0:44.820 --> 1:0:45.240
Droege, Sam

1:0:48.290 --> 1:0:49.500
Maffei, Clare J
99% of what we do?

1:0:50.820 --> 1:0:52.580
Maffei, Clare J
Ohh, with the thank yous are coming in.

1:0:54.460 --> 1:0:54.680
Maffei, Clare J

1:0:54.150 --> 1:0:55.400
Droege, Sam
Well, thank you, Claire.

1:0:56.30 --> 1:0:58.630
Droege, Sam
I'm gonna bail Glenn. Gotta.

1:1:4.470 --> 1:1:5.60
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:1:5.270 --> 1:1:5.940
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Next week?

1:1:6.30 --> 1:1:6.760
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, I can.

1:1:7.240 --> 1:1:7.440
Maffei, Clare J

1:1:6.950 --> 1:1:7.860
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yes, I should be.

1:1:10.850 --> 1:1:13.510
Rob Jean
So my workshop still the 18th so.

1:1:13.390 --> 1:1:13.590
Droege, Sam

1:1:13.500 --> 1:1:14.560
Maffei, Clare J
Well, thanks.

1:1:14.600 --> 1:1:15.470
Maffei, Clare J
That's exciting.

1:1:17.680 --> 1:1:18.70
Droege, Sam

1:1:18.220 --> 1:1:18.670
Droege, Sam
Hi everyone.

1:1:18.680 --> 1:1:19.290
Droege, Sam
Thanks guys.

1:1:19.710 --> 1:1:19.990
Maffei, Clare J

1:1:18.490 --> 1:1:20.890
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Like, hey, one question.

1:1:21.590 --> 1:1:21.970
Droege, Sam
Oh, yeah.

1:1:20.900 --> 1:1:28.540
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Sam Umm, this is not Audrina, but have you ever found Calidis estivales in an urban garden?

1:1:40.730 --> 1:1:41.450
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:1:40.920 --> 1:1:48.630
Droege, Sam
So when people do the so, the backing up, it's ****** us specialist, but most of the this is my impression.

1:1:54.290 --> 1:1:55.450
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Cultivars yeah.

1:1:52.800 --> 1:2:0.710
Droege, Sam
You know a million backcrosses and some of these speech, some of the species are like fall blooming.

1:2:8.520 --> 1:2:8.800
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:2:0.720 --> 1:2:10.620
Droege, Sam
So you're really they seem to turn their noses up on it, but several times in very suburban, nondescript kinds of habitats.

1:2:10.630 --> 1:2:17.180
Droege, Sam
It's like what's the speed or I've, you know, and they take it enough picture enough and a couple cases I've just gotten a specimen.

1:2:19.610 --> 1:2:19.790
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:2:22.690 --> 1:2:23.460
Droege, Sam
Where did you find it?

1:2:23.60 --> 1:2:28.350
Mike Arduser (Guest)
The Yeah, this is in the hardest downtown Saint Louis, where there's no native habit.

1:2:30.530 --> 1:2:30.790
Droege, Sam

1:2:35.810 --> 1:2:36.40
Droege, Sam

1:2:48.130 --> 1:2:48.840
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, that's what I'm.

1:2:48.390 --> 1:2:52.270
Droege, Sam
And also Bukhara likes sort of desperate places.

1:2:52.840 --> 1:2:53.70
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:2:52.280 --> 1:2:54.110
Droege, Sam
You know Cliff faces and stuff like that.

1:2:54.120 --> 1:2:57.390
Droege, Sam
So a city just another good place to hang out.

1:3:3.860 --> 1:3:4.0
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:3:2.430 --> 1:3:7.780
Droege, Sam
No one saw that be and but now I think it's hiding in plain sight.

1:3:8.670 --> 1:3:9.460
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And it might be.

1:3:9.510 --> 1:3:10.480
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, that's good.

1:3:10.490 --> 1:3:10.870
Mike Arduser (Guest)
I I was.

1:3:9.340 --> 1:3:14.100
Droege, Sam
It and more people, more people are using of straight native stuff.

1:3:14.990 --> 1:3:15.940
Mike Arduser (Guest)
And that's what these.

1:3:15.950 --> 1:3:17.370
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, this would you care Richard tonight.

1:3:17.380 --> 1:3:18.890
Mike Arduser (Guest)
So it's like the true native.

1:3:16.480 --> 1:3:32.450
Droege, Sam
Yeah, I've I have a a hookah that I found some populations I live on the coastal plain just near my house on a sort of a a roading and wooded Cliff face.

1:3:35.600 --> 1:3:40.410
Droege, Sam
And so now I've started a plan again in my yard and I'm just getting good bloom this year.

1:3:41.160 --> 1:3:41.640
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:3:41.920 --> 1:3:42.820
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah. Yeah.

1:3:40.420 --> 1:3:43.410
Droege, Sam
So we'll see if it shows up.

1:3:49.480 --> 1:3:49.680
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:3:43.560 --> 1:3:50.140
Droege, Sam
I mean, there's no records nearby, but on the other hand, a lot of these other cases, there were no records and nearby either so.

1:3:50.200 --> 1:3:53.580
Mike Arduser (Guest)
They had Marilyn records, right? OK.

1:3:52.580 --> 1:3:55.210
Droege, Sam
Yeah, but, you know, I think they're all old.

1:3:59.290 --> 1:3:59.680
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:3:55.260 --> 1:4:0.470
Droege, Sam
I think they're all from the bottom, Mac in the gorge and Plumbers Island.

1:4:1.430 --> 1:4:5.110
Droege, Sam
So umm, I don't think we have any recent ones.

1:4:15.210 --> 1:4:23.350
Droege, Sam
And then there was a a recent article about some people who found them near a railroad trestle and Villanova.

1:4:30.260 --> 1:4:32.310
Droege, Sam
And then they found this beat was still on it.

1:4:32.810 --> 1:4:34.210
Droege, Sam
And that's super urban area too.

1:4:35.260 --> 1:4:36.440
Mike Arduser (Guest)
OK, good.

1:4:35.660 --> 1:4:37.50
Droege, Sam
And it was pleased to Ellis.

1:4:37.300 --> 1:4:38.120
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, good to know.

1:4:38.950 --> 1:4:43.370
Rob Jean
I know Josh just got some near Knoxville on hugger, so.

1:4:44.380 --> 1:4:51.690
Droege, Sam
Yeah, actually, weirdly, I was traveling through Knoxville area just went up and I'm like, I got some time to kill.

1:4:51.980 --> 1:4:54.770
Droege, Sam
Where's the nearest transmission line found?

1:4:54.780 --> 1:4:58.710
Droege, Sam
It found some hookah and there was glides devallis on it too.

1:4:59.300 --> 1:4:59.790
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:4:58.720 --> 1:5:0.470
Droege, Sam
So my good day.

1:5:0.520 --> 1:5:2.190
Droege, Sam
Good to get that validated.

1:5:3.240 --> 1:5:3.490
Mike Arduser (Guest)

1:5:8.200 --> 1:5:8.870
Droege, Sam
You know they're not.

1:5:8.190 --> 1:5:10.90
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah, it's a strange, strange man.

1:5:15.110 --> 1:5:16.440
Droege, Sam
I yeah, I've not collected.

1:5:16.450 --> 1:5:18.310
Droege, Sam
Is that even eastern?

1:5:17.560 --> 1:5:19.800
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Northern, more northern.

1:5:20.50 --> 1:5:20.690
Rob Jean

1:5:20.550 --> 1:5:23.40
Droege, Sam
Yeah, OK. Yeah.

1:5:25.410 --> 1:5:26.850
Droege, Sam
OK. Hmm.

1:5:27.410 --> 1:5:29.310
Rob Jean
Laura's got some good ways to tell them apart though.

1:5:32.990 --> 1:5:34.100
Droege, Sam
All right, more to come.

1:5:33.720 --> 1:5:34.660
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Yeah. OK.

1:5:35.620 --> 1:5:36.410
Mike Arduser (Guest)
Alright. Alright.

1:5:35.510 --> 1:5:36.570
Droege, Sam
So thanks guys.

1:5:36.420 --> 1:5:36.850
Mike Arduser (Guest)
See ya.

1:5:39.790 --> 1:5:42.60
Maffei, Clare J
Hi guys I was a fun after after combo.