104_Lasioglossum species_eastern evylaeus, sphecodogastra, hemihalictus 2013 key_part 1__Jason Gibbs and Joel Gardner_Nov 15 2023

November 15, 2023, 6:05PM

1h 0m 53s

Droege, Sam  
In a couple others.
But Joel, do you want to start off and we can look at the Hemi Electus section of the key and just walk through?
Umm those?

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
OK, I don't.
I don't sense like do you?
Is there an alternative?
I mean, I'm not hearing like that's the absolutely the best way to go.
But well, still the teeth.
Maybe we wanna with a different dialect.
This group be better and then return to this one.
Jason is here.
Umm, we could.
It's sort of a, it's it'd be very last minute and we haven't got the material out and those kinds of things, so.

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, we can.
Yeah, that's it's a.
It's a good it's a good plan.

Droege, Sam  
All right, so maybe Claire do are, are Joel, do you have the PDF available?
Do you wanna share that or should Claire share it?

Ai Wen--Univ. N. Iowa (Guest)
joined the meeting

Joel Gardner  
Uh, I have it, but I need to unplug my microphone and camera for a second in order to plug in a USB drive and get it.

Droege, Sam  

Paola Gonzalez
joined the meeting

Joel Gardner  
So I'm gonna be back.

Droege, Sam  
And Claire?
Oh, there we go.
I think is that you, Claire, who shared it.
So Joel, it's up on the screen now.
If you from Claire's computer.
Sue cleared.
You want to Scroll down a little bit to we might.
I think we can, you know, in lack of anything else, let's just go right to that section that has berkani and uh and Macau Peninsula, which is a head head difference mostly.
So let's go back up to where the couplet is referring to 9.
Is that the previous one or is it jumping from somewhere else?
So here we go.
So yeah, we have, uh, the misapply sternum.
So the side of the plate underneath the wing being pitted and then in the alternative case it being rugulose and stuff and a couple of four, OK, which is notoriously obnoxious.
Yeah, we can.
We can look at that too.
The you know the the sharper Nodum takes us into a lot of these pretty specialized uh species.

Andrew Aldercotte
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
So pecked anagram is a facelis specialist soap.
So Pensee, swanky and federaci are all sand specialists.
Much more common in the Midwest, but less so, and then the alternative with a when you have just the smooth collar is we get back down into.
Uh, some of the ones that we see more commonly so I can try and pull a since we don't have a Jason not here.

Polly Cheney
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
I'll just go pull a so.
So skinny, so pensee here.
I'm not sure I'm pronouncing it correctly.
Which often have a little bit of reddish on their abdomen, and we'll try and get into that Bernardo collar area.
So we can get a view this one, this one I think will do lawful little crud on it it under my scope.
Transfer to.
Microscope I'm going to switch and do we get Joel back?
But yeah, but I just stopped sharing so that you can share them.
OK, I'll share.
Uh, then and we'll go to my microscope.
So this this is soap, skinny or soap inside.
I forget how to pronounce it.
Joel, is it soap, skinny or so pennsy?
How do you pronounce that species?

Joel Gardner  
I would say that so pink eye.

Droege, Sam  
So pink eye, OK.
Uh, and we're just showing that one.
I'm not sure you were hearing what we were talking about. Where.

Joel Gardner  
Yes. Yeah.

Droege, Sam  
So just to get a view of the sharp pronotal caller that will help discriminate.
This particular species I'm going to put it on.
All here and oops I think I want to get more light on this.

Joan Milam
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
And get that off and get this up to 100 and zoom in.

Shaun McCoshum
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
Thing on Jack it up a little bit more, maybe 300 and we'll look at the collar.

Polly Cheney
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  
This is similar to what you see in Andrina.

Polly Cheney
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
That's the other one where well, and so codes to some extent too, where sharp anodal angles or collars or ridges.
However, you wanna look at it are.
A factor.

Joel Gardner  
And we also saw this in the Lazio glass, some earlier, with the we looked at some parasitic species.

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
They have a sharp throwing out on angle like this.

Droege, Sam  
Alright, so again, we are not blessed.
I'll I'll Jack up the light here in a second, but just to Orient people, so I'm going to sneeze.
Maybe hang on.
That's true.
Big sneezer.
OK, so here's the skewed umm, this is the anterior edge and this is the pronotal collar which is part of that bigger feature.
Here the pronotum and the collar is usually just refers to this thin area between the head and the skew.
That's, you know, differentially visible and the corners come off of either side.

Lent, Sally P
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam   
Here you can see the opposite one and when we are looking here what we're seeing it were given different names.

Marisa Fisher
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  
So sometimes they're called wings come time.
Joel, help me out here.
What else are they called when we're looking at the this pronotal angle right here, and I'm gonna get some more light.

Marcos Monasterolo
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
So we can see this better.
And then there's a Ridge running off this point down along the inside of the pronotum that is often hidden by the head.
So the head is bobbling around on here and I'm not sure what the functionality of the sharp corners are, but it is interesting to see where they'd have them and not.
But this area here often tends to be more right angles in species that have not sharp ridges, and also tends to be more produced.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
So more sticky outy.
I'm here than in others and you would not see this Ridge in, for example, the brick money macro penance.

Marisa Fisher
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
I set this would all be very smooth, so I'm gonna adjust the light and you can embellish Joel if you will.

Joel Gardner  
Uh, yes, you were kind of wondering what to call this.
And uh, I I called that the just the pronotal angle is what I called it species descriptions.

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
And there is usually.
Well, there's often also a Ridge going down from that corner.
Uh that we saw in the parasitic dialect just, but it's not always there, especially a lot of non parasitic species will have a sharp angle.

Shelby Fulton
joined the meeting

Joel Gardner  
On the on the pronotal caller, but they won't have a Ridge.

Droege, Sam  
Right, fusca, Penny Truncata are good examples of that where you have this angle, but no sharp Ridge as far as I know.
And here you can barely see the Ridge.
Umm, right here.
The the angle of the camera is giving us a good shot at what?
Uh, Joel just called the pronotal angle on the pronotal collar here, but there's a Ridge running down that direction too, so a lot of times.
What you would do in a practical sense is look at this specimen from the side and try and peek into this part of the head area here looking for that angle.
That's very definitive for this group.
And then you could also look from on top and look to see whether that the angle that the tip of which leads off the Ridge is more right angles or more projected not.
Anything else you wanna talk about on this particular shot here?

Joel Gardner  
Umm, yeah, so there's a little bit of a a short.
There's some shortcuts that you can use so this species that we're looking at right now, you can.
Well, you can't see it right now, but it has kind of a red on the on the metasoma and also on the head.
Uh, you actually can see it.
It has pretty big a silly.
Almost like a secota gastrula in a stripped sense.
So there's this ricotta gaastra as they were originally defined by by McGinley.
All those vinotherapy specialists, and they have those really big, silly and a lot of them have red mazamas.
So these Hemi Electus look a lot like that, except they don't have those specialized scope for collecting.
Uh, that the special therapy Holland, like this mikota gastric do.
So if you see a bee and it's not a strict quota gastro, but it has a red metasoma and bigger Sally like that.
Uh, you can like kind of use that as a shortcut.
Like OK, go that way in the key when you get to couplet 4, go that sharply angled route because that's where all those species run.

Droege, Sam  
So there is, uh.
So this particular species to call it so Pinky, how did how do you pronounce it again?

Joel Gardner  
So pinki.

Droege, Sam  
So pink eye and at is red sometimes and also black.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
So I've seen populations like in South Carolina and these Sandhills and things where it's the same species, but some are have read abdomens and some have black abdomen.
So just be aware that it's helpful when it's red, because that really eliminates things.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
But when it's black, you can't also eliminate it from the possible list and.

Joel Gardner  
Yep, and Swank.
Can also be read.

Droege, Sam  
And we get get into that with andrina.
So some of the red abdomen and adrena sometimes have red abdomens and sometimes have dark, and it seems that in a lot of bees that are not committed to having read abdomens like scodes that the the amount of redness can come and go.
High Leus ornatus is one that really is confusing because almost all of them had read abdomens and then a few don't.
And so it leads to weird identification.
Sometimes I think we kind of have that one figured out all right.

Joel Gardner  
Actually this is that this is actually kind of a little bit of a nice segue into something that's a little bit off topic, but I had a couple of Western Hemi collectus uh here, just in case we wanted to show them.
And there's a there's a really common, really easy to recognize Western Hemming electors called to abolish Steps that has a is a hemmy elect test with a red metasoma.
And as far as it's always red, so I can show that and kind of explain how it recognize it because it's it's pretty easy actually.

Droege, Sam  
I'm so Jason.
Is that a A?
A sharp colored one too.

Joel Gardner  
It is not, yeah.

Droege, Sam  
Uh, Joel. Sorry.
OK, sorry Joel, but Jason.

Joel Gardner  
It is a.

Droege, Sam  
Go ahead.

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, I'm just trying to see you're sharing my screen here.
Alright, so yeah, this is a lazy glass.
I'm ovalis steps.
This is a western species.
It's pretty widespread.
It occurs in the Rocky Mountains all the way West to Washington and Oregon.
And it's a pretty standard looking Henry Hill like this.
It doesn't have that sharp collar that we were just talking about.
It doesn't have big a Sally.
Umm, it's a pretty smooth be, but it has this red metasoma you can see here.
And then the key is to look at the face.
So it has a a pretty long face.
This this head here is very much longer than broad.
And that combination long face plus red metasoma is unique.
There's no other hammy like just that has that combination.
So if you're in the West and you see long face red metasoma, it's a wall steps.
There is another there is a few more species that have short heads and a red mini Zuma, so watch out for those.

Droege, Sam  
And you.

Joel Gardner  
But Yep, uh, the long face.

Droege, Sam  
So Joel, if you if this makes sense to you, I've got a makeup and Nancy on deck and we can look at the collar and the pitting and then talk about identification of that species and evolve from there.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
Does that make the most sense or do you want it to go a different route?

Joel Gardner  
That makes sense.
Is that this the pitting and the sculpturing on overall steps is also, uh, quite similar to human who've been in C.
It's a very smooth, shiny bee.

Droege, Sam  
And else I'll show you that sometimes.
So what's gonna split out my couponing sea?
Well, first of all, the species we've been talking about have sharp collars and what we're going to get into now are ones that have smooth collars and we'll show the collar first here if I can mean line it up.

Joel Gardner  

Matthew Carlson
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
And then they'll be issues about whether the mazeppa sternum.
So the plural, the side of the bee thorax is pitted or not.
And I sometimes get very.
Confused or not quite sure what to do.
We in some of these circumstances because I'll try and make foxy eye what?

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
I'll later determine that was actually foxy eye have pits and trying to make my components may not have pits.
So I think people can see my screen, right?
Yeah, OK.
OK, so here again, here's the head.
Here's the skewed them edge.
So the the top is actually over in that direction and what we're looking at is the pronotal collar, which is actually quite a big structure, but mostly hidden by the head heads now moved quite a bit away from the collar.
And you can see the pronotal lobe here.
And so this is the side of the bee more and then right up here is where the angle is.
So the first thing to note, I can't get a whole lot closer.

Matthew Carlson
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  
In fact, I can't because this is that the Max of the screen is that.
Well, at that pro node will caller.
I'm gonna try and bring it down a little bit so we can see the spitter.
So the angle itself is less sharp, so it's more oblique here, less tending towards right angle.

Matthew Carlson
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
Or is a right angle and then there's no real Ridge running down the line.
This is all I always think of it as a horse collar.
This is all just a one big, smooth, transitional plain that's rounded over like a horse collar.
Does anyone know what a horse collar is anymore?
I'm not sure, but umm, that's very different from the one we were just looking at and there is no place in there for any kind of ridgeline running down again similar to several other groups of bees.
Joel, anything to add there before I try and flip it over to look at the pitting on the side?

Joel Gardner  
No, it pretty much covered it.

Droege, Sam  
So, umm, where we are, this is macoupin, Nancy.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
Anansi is much less common.
I think of it as more of a northern bee and we get more berkmann.
Hey I we're trying to get this into the view.

Joel Gardner  
Oh, that's that's funny.
I'm being from from Minnesota and Manitoba.
Myself, I I think of makeup Venezia as being more common.
Don't really get birth.
Commit me over there.

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
That's the beauty of a continent.
You've got a lot of territory to cover.
Alright, umm, I think I wanna change the angle a little bit on this.
So we can get it more flat to the view of the microscope.
But what we're looking for is relatively smooth, but it foxy eye, which is the one that I have problems differentiating.
And there's probably others too.
Uh is got.
Relatively little architecture here too, but.
No pitting, but the reality is cash.
It's hard to move this around in when it's at this magnification.
The reality is sometimes it looks like they're vaguely is pitting and you start making up stories and the pitting.
On my Kubernetes I here trying to get it finally is is present but it's also not super strong.
So here you can see scattered pits.
I'm gonna move it again because this is the wing is sort of obscuring this a bit.
This is my frustration.
Is that a lot of times they they look very similar.

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, in the previous.

Droege, Sam  
You know here.

Joel Gardner  
In in addition to the pitting the tubing, NC, the music, the sternum is also.
It's also going to be shinier as a result of the more distinct pitting.

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
So, like Foxy eye, the media, the sternum is gonna be no pits, and it's gonna be totally dull.

Shaun McCoshum
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  
And what happens is a lot of times you get one Z2Z at least down here of these kinds of things.
So when you do this is the good reason to have a collection, because you can the the differences become very apparent when you're actually looking at known specimens and comparing your you're specimen to not versus the Singleton that you're looking at in your microscope.

Shaun McCoshum
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
Alright, so cleared out some wing action there.
So you can see so that you can see the shininess, but you know the pitting is there, you can say like oh, there's a pit, there's a pit there, there, there, there, there, there, but it's not not super distinct like the back of an osbi or something.

Joel Gardner  
Skip it depends.

Droege, Sam  
So, and there's some shininess going on here, but you can see these pits are kind of all over the place in this particular specimen.
So once you once you go through the key and you get to this place, you're really then are confronted with am I looking at Burke, Manny or am I looking at makeup, Tennessee and then as far as I know and Joel, you may have some other illumination?
Umm you are talking length of head shape or length of the head as your guide.
To the identification between the two and I find that the Avilius hemiolas paper that Jason and and were you a coauthor on that too?
Or is it just Jason?

Joel Gardner  
No, Jason did that before my time.

Droege, Sam  
Got it.
I'm trying to get this in focus here.
That they have really good head shapes and I use that as off because I don't have a measuring reticule and most people don't you on their.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
On their microscope.
And So what happened?
You're stuck if you don't have a a measuring ridicule.
It's like well, is that and Jason has some good measurements.
I don't even think they overlap on this is a little bit of a an oblique shot here, but you're stuck with ohh what am I supposed to do here?
I these are measurements and they're just a little bit different, but the picture is actually quite nice and you'll see when we put up Burke, Manny up in a second that the head lengths is pretty apparent.
So that can be used.
You can also could send it to Jason or get a another opinion from someone else, or hopefully somewhere in your life is a museum that has the updated identifications.
Because these two names.
But if I recall right, we're we're just swapped.
In the.
Mitchell and previous versions of and Delias people talking about Elias.
So if I have, it was a pretty much straightforward everlot lazy blossom or Emelius Burke Mani and Matt Components.

Andrew Aldercotte
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  
I had the opposite names for the same species prior to Jason's revision.
Do I have that correct Joel?

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, that's that's good dimension cause, uh, most of our a lot of old specimens in museums that were determined prior to 2013.
And to have a high rate of website and application.

Droege, Sam  
No, I'll.
I'm gonna pick up a birth money now and put that up there.
But Joel, do you have anything else to say while I'm futzing around with this?
Or maybe we could have clear show the.
Uh, the guide.

Joel Gardner  
I yeah, I don't have too much to add.
There's the the head is pretty much the best haracter for separating those two.
Maybe the only here after there might be some others, but there would be very very subtle.

Droege, Sam  
Yeah, and even the head is pretty subtle.
So here is our I'm putting under the screen and you can see those differences are pretty darn minute in terms of the ratio in there and in other sections of this key, you can see differences that have to do with the the teeth and the pattern of the teeth, which is very nice on some of the hind, tibial spurs.
But in this case, you're stuck.
So let's uh jump out.
Can you go up a page, Claire?
So we got to this section by being pitted and then when we have the rugulose, when we're gonna go, which we're foxy eye should live there, we're gonna go down and the previous section was the section that had to do with a sharp angled species, which we can return to.
But they are essentially really specialized and very uncommon species in general.
OK, so I'm gonna share and we'll look at a Burke money head.
But money?
I I can't remember too many eyes.
So uh, look at there and now align this up.
See if I have the head in.
So we're looking for a relatively less so same thing this the plura the side, the mazeppa sternum pitted in almost the exact same way.

Joel Gardner  
And thank you.

Droege, Sam  
And I think you would have seen something if Jason or someone else had been able to come up with a difference other than head shape.
And I believe Mitchell did the same thing.
OK, so without a comparison of looking at pictures, this is a really can be a really tricky call.
So that's why having I don't think we have Jason's pictures or any pictures of the head shape.
I'm up right now in the Discover life keys, but you can easily find them in a nice figure on Jason's.
Uh, your monograph?
So that's it.
It's a little shorter and I wish I could could put them both up next to each other, but it's a noticeable difference and even and then if you have problems comparing them to the pictures works pretty well.
Joel any any further comment there?

Joel Gardner  
No, it's it's a little shorter you said.

Droege, Sam  
Sort of irritating.

Joel Gardner  
I yeah, there's the there's the picture in Figure 4 and that in the paper has they're not right next to each other, but they are, they are at least on the same page.

Droege, Sam  
Money is.

Ann Fraser
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
I'd get a store and ask for Mom.
And I'm looking at Oxeon now, so ohh there it is so clear.
If you could go if you haven't gone already to now back to the key.
While we're here, I'll just point out this one.
See, it's boxy eyes.
Head. OK, good.
Very well, yeah, yes.
So that's a little more on the matchup penance end of the spectrum.

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, Foxy eye is another pretty long headed fee, so that is a that character for recognizing it.

Droege, Sam  
In all three of these species have a the pronotal triangle.
The striations don't get to the edge.
It's got a very smooth over edge very with some quite shiny area too, but they all have that, but it's useful for quickly identifying the group I think.
So my I pulled a foxy eye, but I didn't like that.
How it was presenting the side there.
So I'm gonna pull it, pull in different one.

Joel Gardner  
Now step you're following along in the key.
Now we skipped complete 10 because that's where you separate out the Everly.
And actually chunk Haram separates there too because it looks a lot like an Italian, although it's not, but uh, we skipped that couplet and then we skipped complete 12 where you judge if the podium is carinate or coronavirus is that's where you separate out all this.
Decode a gastro from the Hemi Electus and we cover that in the first class.
So we also skipped couplet 16, which is just recognizing uh, lazy mouse and lust strands, which is pretty rare.
Bee, you don't see it very often, and it's not really hard to recognize.
It has a very distinct on metal spur and and only owes 2 submarginal cells.
So we're uncut 17 right now.

Droege, Sam  
Yeah, the light we can show we have luster ends here too.
We just barely gets into the state and I'm gonna switch to to my microscope and I've got foxy eye up here and let's trans has a very unique vibe to it.
I would call it in addition to the two submarginal cells, which isn't necessarily the natural first thing you go to.
It just looks different.
It's got a a weird proposal.
Are not proportional, but me zeppy sternum, so the side of the for our.
Sorry, let's back up doing 2 doing any things at once.
The proposal triangle area and the.
The podium looks different in that it's difficult for me to describe.
But you would know right away.
Hey, I'm not looking at something I normally see.
OK, so here is foxy eye, and we're gonna get magnification up again.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
I have a little bit of difficulty showing the side and this particular specimen.
But as Joel mentioned, so first of all, notice this is not at all shiny.
It's there's, it's not flat.
There is some goop on there.
Let's call it and.
So that's a a really good character.
And then you get into trouble.
Or at least I get into trouble because like is it that a pit there is that there are there are these other things pits.
So the the notion of pitted not pitted gets a little foggy.
Umm here.

Joel Gardner  
Uh, that can really help clarify that.

Droege, Sam  
Yeah, that'd be great.

Joel Gardner  
So when when I or Jason say that something is punctate or it's pitted, uh, what you're really looking for is really neatly round circular pits.
Umm, there will be.
Kind of like you too.
I can ice cream.
Scoop how?
Well, ice cream scoop is pretty deep.
It won't be that deep, but kind of like a shallow round depression in the integument and the these things there there are like little divots in the integument here that, like Sam was saying, like, ohh, is that a pit or not?
But if you look at them, they're not round.
They're kind of irregularly shaped.
Umm, it looks more, uh, more roughened.
It's it's a little bit more like, uh, more like you.
You had, like several people taking ice cream scoops out of the integument, and they're all kind blending together.
So you get like the the top of the ice cream is all.
It's just all rough and choppy.
It's more like that.
So you don't get those like feet round circular pits in a case like this.

Droege, Sam  
That is a great description that we need to add to the guide so that we are clear so clear.
Let's make it.
Let's make a note.
All right.
So otherwise, if you're looking at the top, this would probably align more with.
With Macau Peninsula, because got more that head shape, but they all would look similar because you've got a smooth collar actually can kind of see the collar better here because the head has.
Who penned this specimen?
It's a pinned at a crazy angle, but you can see here like the head is almost completely off the specimen and you can see very nicely this very round shaped pronotal area.
And let's let's zoom in a little bit here.
Now that we have that specimen, the other parts are destroyed by the PIN.
But you can see that it's very smooth.
There's not a lot going on.
All right.
So if we, maybe we can go back to the key, Claire.
Umm, so I think Joel, do you have a particular direction you wanna go?
There's a bunch of of, for example, eat truncate them is an interesting specimen that does get thrown in here, and sometimes it's like I'm confused with fuss.

Joel Gardner  

Katy Lustofin
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  
Even you know, if you can't, particularly in the mails, but if you can't see and and aren't careful, I would say and I'm not sure that you have.
So let's back up.
Truncate them.
What subgroup is that?

Joel Gardner  
Uh truncate?
Umm is a satoda gaastra, but it kind of doesn't look a lot like many of the others.

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
Chicoti gastro, especially in the east, there's some some Western ones that that it looks more like, but in the east it will be very distinct from all the others who thought a gastro.
And it really, really looks a lot more like Lazy Lassen Syncopes, which is an avilius.
So that's why those two come out together in the key they're different subgenera, but very superficially similar.

Droege, Sam  
Still, let's let's go there.
I think I've got a truncate.
Him here.
I mean, people can shout out.
What they're interested in seeing and things and will kind accommodate that but.
I'm pull up a truncate.
I'm here.
Make sure I got it right.
So uh, when I'm looking for a truncated versus sync types, I'm looking for a sharp right angle to the pro nodal angle.
Is that what's in the key though?
So I'm not.
I'm not looking at the key.
I'm looking at the specimen at the moment.

Joel Gardner  
Uh, the key does not use the pronotum I I doesn't mean that that doesn't work.

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
It might work and just Jason didn't notice it.
I don't know, but the the key relies on the the hind tibial skirt.
So we went over like in the like in the first class when we were talking about Elias as a sub genus.
The hind liberal spur is in that subgenus, are very UM, they're not pecked.

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
And they have very, very short.
It's it's a denticulate is the word it uses me, so syncopes will have a very umm.
Very, very short teeth on the high tibial spur.
Truncated will be more like a cold, very long.
That's not always easy to see.
Umm, but you know where 100% of the time.
If you can see it, uh, the other here that it uses.
Ohh never mind, it does.
It does mention the pronotum.
Yeah, that's there, right.

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
So syncope is should have an obtuse pronotal angle and chatum is is more of a right angle.

Droege, Sam  
So I've got.
I'm gonna switch if that's OK here and we'll.

Joel Gardner  
That's it.

Droege, Sam  
I've got a truncata on deck with its.
Let's see.
Going to do this share button first, then talk so so out of focus where we're looking at now.
But again, this is such a common thing that comes up over and over again in many different groups of bees.
Here's a skewed umm, big, bold pin right through the middle of it.
What we're looking at here out of focus is the edge of the skewed Dum, and then behind it is a pronotal collar.
Largely you can't see the pronotal collar from this angle that's running along the edge of the skew Dum, but the you can very very clearly see the pronotal angle that's poking up here.
And so there's some hairs, but I think it's relatively easy to see.
Here is a pretty much a right angle 90 degree angle on that pronotal angle and I believe there is no Ridge.
So in other groups like the ones we were looking at before at the beginning, there'd be from the tip down towards the head along the pronotal collar, which is hidden.
Now there would be a sharp Ridge and you would see that Ridge line Subcodes really have this in spades.
Most of the time, but even they have, you know, so there's some species that don't have that.
So this for these, these dark.
I'm gonna say this.
I'm of the non lazy blossom senses strict to the this is the only one with a right angle from nodal angle.
Is that right?
Do I have that right or do some of the Ridge ones pretty much have a right angle?
I guess they would, but of the smooth collared ones, this is one of the few.
And additionally, it's relatively large, so it's much larger than the foxy eye, macoupin Nancy Burke Mani group that we were just looking at and it's bigger than most, if not all of the ones with a sharp angle, like a Federale, swanky and ah, so so pinky or however it's pronounced.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
And so this is the look we can pull up a sync to piece too.
So one and the mails get confusing because the in males in the in all these lazy gloss and related groups the the wing venation pattern becomes much fainter in terms of looking at the degree to which the.
The submarginal.
Sell a whatever the cross veins are are are weakened or not.
So sometimes we have in discover life and I don't know if it's in the keys, but you kind of need to be able to tell truncate them from the from fuss capanni because it also has a a nice shiny right angle too.
In some circumstances it just gets confusing.
I'm gonna.
I'll go look for a sink types.
Joel, if you have anything else to say about Tatum, it's kind of a mysterious species to me.

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, Sam didn't really show it, but another good character that's in the key to separate truncated them from sanctifies is the the T2 punctures.
So truncate him is a lot more, umm, a lot more punk Tage on the teeth on the rim.
The apical impressed area of T2 will have a lot of punctures there, similar to the disk, and syncopes will be.
Ohh sorry have that backwards sync to piece is more punk page.
Uh, truncate them?
That rim of T2 will be pretty much in punctate.

Droege, Sam  
Another thing you have that the I'm I'm pulling, I'm I'm redoing the shot here.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
Maybe slightly dirty so.
He truncate him.
Here's T2 and it is.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
You know, there's a lot of specs here, but there really isn't aren't any pits.
I'm have to look in the main collection for a safe to piece.
I only have males in my phenotypic.

Joel Gardner  
So there is the the rims of the church guy and you can, yeah.
You can't really see any punctures there.
So that'll help separate it from sanctifies both males and females.
We can use that character.
The males additionally, uh, I don't know if we're gonna have time to actually look at any emails, but if you're struggling to tell apart, truncate a males from bus.
Give honey uh.
Like Chandler saying, you can look at the stern, so truncate them.
Is a code Agastya.
So like all this picota gastro, it'll have very, very, very short, very sparse.
Seedy on the sterna where fusca Penny is a laser gossom.

Polly Cheney
left the meeting

Joel Gardner  
Since you strict Joe and all of those have, umm, pretty distinctive seed oil patterns on the stern, Farscape penny is a little bit less distinctive that other lazy Lawson.
But it'll definitely have kind of like a like more dense kind of fuzzy city on the posterior sterna, so it will have sort of a pattern there.
They're gonna be denser and fuzzier than intern katum.
Yeah, external CD.
Good way to help her, the males.

Droege, Sam  
Alright, so you got us.
I do have a female sync to piece here in our other collection and let me get it in and we can take a look at the first.

Orakwelu Chinemerem Hodges
joined the meeting

Droege, Sam  
We can look at the pronotal collar, which is nicely different.
Between the two and you'll see that the overall vibe is pretty similar, though of the two pieces, and then we'll look at T2.
No, try and get up to some good magnification.
All right, quite different.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
So here's the skewed.
Right through here.
This is you can see a little bit of the pronotal collar.
And we get to the, uh, the angles and you can see here that it's nowhere near.
Umm, a right angle.
In fact, it's very oblique, very low sloping in that section.
If we look on the other side, same same thing, you can barely make it out amidst the hairs.

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
It's such a low angle, so that's nicely different.
Now if we shift to the.
She too, we should.
What Joel, we're looking for more pitting, right?

Joel Gardner  

Droege, Sam  
Alright, uh, looking more at T1 there.
Let me read Engle this.
Here we go.

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, you can definitely see a lot more pitting there.

Droege, Sam  
Move it more towards the center center is a little more difficult to see because of the reflection of the light at this point, but.

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, you can see it really well on on T1 acts on this specimen.
So the key specifically mentioned T2, but it's there on T1 as well and you can actually see it really well on this shot.

Droege, Sam  
So yeah.

Shelby Fulton
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  
Up there, yeah.
So maybe we should.
Should we jump to Quebec and say which?
No, we have something in the request.
Quote again, say OK Boreale and say, OK, well, I'll go get Quebec and say, do you wanna talk about that, that, that group as a whole Jason won looking that up.

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, so this group?
Uh, it's very, very difficult at the, Matthew Carlson said.
I have a really hard time with these species and I think everybody does.
Even Jason had a hard time.
You can you can tell in the key that he is kind of struggling to come up with characters like, especially in the males, you know, they're warning.
Like you should pull out the genitalia if you have nails in these species, and even if you have the genitalia, it's still pretty subtle trying to tell them apart.
So umm probably.
Kevin can see is the most distinctive one uh, that, at least in the female, that one is not too bad, but it's still pretty subtle.

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
And the other ones are very, very difficult.
It's it's pretty much just it's pretty much like the the veered autumn group of dialect, just this is the the sakoda gaastra equivalent of the verdatum group.
And there's a bunch more in the West.

Droege, Sam  
So do we.
So are we am I live here at this point?
So I'll just mention here in Maryland, we see lots and lots of Quebec entity, but only in the spring and only in Woodlands or if not it may not be entirely restricted to Woodlands, but is just it's gonna be near woods and then they disappear.
So it's a very unlike a lot of the other lazy gossom group, which are usually out the entire year.
This one just goes from extremely abundant to gone and is really only in forested environments, so when I'm looking at the vibe because I see them a lot right?
So the vibe is, first of all, here is a fairly long pronotal triangle, and it's a little bit squarish.

Joel Gardner  
For quality healthcare.

Droege, Sam  
Would you say sorry?

Joel Gardner  
Propoerty all triangle, he said.
Pronotal and just thank you.

Droege, Sam  
Ohh sorry proposal triangle, sorry.
And there we'll we'll try and get a view of this.
So sync to piece can look a little bit similar, but if you actually looked at the recall, the last specimen this area is very round and the striations have a different look to them.
And then the hairs along the rim of the of the tour guides are much bolder and brighter and distinct and Quebec and say they tend to be the hairs as we can kind of see here tend to be brown and thinner in comparison and so and and then also fade into the tergites quite a bit.
We'll see out and I'll change this that the.
The Corina that are running up the rear face of the proposed Yum meet up here at the edges at the corners with the proportial triangle thing.
Let's call a thing as very professional and then, but that line is relatively straight and then sync to peas.
It's arched out pretty dramatically now.
It's not, I would say absolutely straight, but it's presenting as a very rectangular squared off thing, so I'm gonna shift the view here and Joel, do you wanna talk about some of those differences too?

Joel Gardner  
Uh and yeah.
So Sam was.
Uh, yeah, the the proposed Yum.

Ai Wen--Univ. N. Iowa (Guest)
left the meeting

Joel Gardner  
Those were that was a good explanation.
Uh, that with the the band, the seedy on T2 uh Sam was talking about how they're not as or odd in Kevin can see.
And that's specifically referring to the basal bands.

Wolf, Amy
left the meeting

Joel Gardner  
So syncopes and truncated them.
Those will have, like really lazy or gloss them since you stripped out with, like basil bands of home and tum.
Really dense white bands in the face of the segment.
Kevin can't see does not have those.
Kevin can see almost has like a typical bands, almost more like a holic dish, but they're not.

Everett, Jeff
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
They're not very distinct.
They're they, they, they blend a lot more into the into the segment.
Umm, so they're they're kind of loose, kind of sparse, not very well defined bands, but the the city on the rims of the segments are definitely denser than they are in the middle.
So it kind of has bands going on there.
That's what you're looking for.

Droege, Sam  
And we're wrap this one up.
Where do we did start a little bit late?
I wanna get the look this is used a lot and I'm not sure because I'm not looking at the key that Jason wrote, whether he's using this a lot or not here, which is the shape of these side, Corina, the Carina, that are.
Raised lines that are dividing the side of the proposed Yum from the rear face.
So here's the rear face.
I am not getting a great shot at this, but the Corina are running down and this edge, while maybe slightly arched out is is when you look at it it's it presents as very strict.

Joel Gardner  
There's like a thing of micro fiber in the way.
You get the if you can like take a pen and just like get that out of the way, brush it off.

Droege, Sam  
Here, maybe I I'll blow on it.
Hopefully I and solved that problem.
Ah, there we go.
Look at that, the crude.
Or maybe it's not all the way gone, but I think this is a pretty good shot.
And I'm going to Jack up the lighting so we can see into that area a little bit better.
To go 800.
Yeah, Sir.
Blowing out that rest of the area, but we will hopefully see better into this side area or maybe not.
Gosh, it's a little hard to see, but anyway the there should be lines running down that are relatively straight and that also presents, but this the abdomen, this pattern of these loose that vary undefined banding and also heavier kind of Gray or brown bands here along the rims of the tergites are pretty distinct.

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, those are the thin barrier is the is the word that Jason uses and in the key.

Droege, Sam  
So umm, unless there's any questions and Claire has mentioned that we are basically out of time.
But Joel, do you have anything else to add about the group as a whole?

Joel Gardner  
Yeah, just in the remaining time that we have, can't say much, but these, I don't know if we mentioned that, but these are mostly boreal species.
Uh kevorkian's.
He can get further South than the others, but a lot of them are as restricted to the northern areas.

Emma Lee Briggs
left the meeting

Joel Gardner  
Like Sam said that they have either forest to be so where it occurs.
Further South, it'll be in the more forested areas, more like the boreal habitat, so there are, as you go further north, like like Northern Canada.
These are some of the only laser glass and species that you find up there.

Droege, Sam  
And sometimes other than bumblebees, the only bees.
Depending on where you are.

Joel Gardner  
So if you're in the South, uh probably don't need to worry about them too much.

Droege, Sam  
Well, you can pick up sync types pretty far South. Umm.

Joel Gardner  
Uh syncopes is not part of this group, and I'm talking about Kebec, NC, Salien, Borelli and collagen that was farther are they?

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
The problem group.

Droege, Sam  

Joel Gardner  
Along with uh for the corny and roof Itarsi, I believe are those are Western species that are in that group.

Droege, Sam  
Are they also mountain top ones?

Joel Gardner  
So those are boreal Alpine zone, kind of habitat species.

Droege, Sam  
Well, thank you, Joel.
Thank you, Claire.
Yeah, this has been in the chat, but then question alright, alright you Joel, much appreciation.

Hesler, Louis - REE-ARS
left the meeting

Matthew Carlson
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  
And we wish Claire a speedy throat recovery.

Fortuin, Christine
left the meeting

Ann Fraser
left the meeting

Jones, Beryl M.
left the meeting

Beiriger,Robert L
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  
Well, the recordings.

Bonnie Zand (Guest)
left the meeting

Droege, Sam  
Goodbye everyone. Bye.

Joel Gardner  
All right, bye.

Joan Milam
left the meeting

Christine Favorito
left the meeting

Maffei, Clare J
stopped transcription